Title: In Between Falling Raindrops Characters/Pairings: Sirius, Regulus Rating: 3rd-5th years/PG-13 Warning(s): None that I'm aware of besides some cursing
He embraces the rain, as it is his cloak when the dark cannot contain his anonymity. When his footsteps mingle with the pitter-patter of the water falling from the sky, he knows he is safe.
Chilling spot there. And the Black family just gave me chills. Especially Mrs. Black, she was perfectly cold an evil just as I always imagine her to be.
There was just so much here that I'm sure I will be able to read it many times over and find more and more layers.
Comments 1
He embraces the rain, as it is his cloak when the dark cannot contain his anonymity. When his footsteps mingle with the pitter-patter of the water falling from the sky, he knows he is safe.
Chilling spot there. And the Black family just gave me chills. Especially Mrs. Black, she was perfectly cold an evil just as I always imagine her to be.
There was just so much here that I'm sure I will be able to read it many times over and find more and more layers.
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