Title: With Narcissa
For: Jenna
Characters/Pairings: Narcissa/Lily with reference to James/Lily
Rating: 6th-7th years
Warnings (if any): Slash, Sexual Situations
A/N: Dearest Jenna, I hope that this is what you wanted for Christmas and that you really enjoy it. Although this was a new pairing for me, I think that it worked out well. Merry
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Comments 3
Okay, I did't even open the document until tonight (not because I wasn't interested, I just have amazing self-control with these things. And years of practice). And I just was like OMG! when I saw the pairing. You actually wrote Narcissa/Lily for me! I love you!
And it was so good x.x
So, real. I felt like I was Lily. I understood so much of it. Even the part about being cold, even though the world around you isn't quite the cause. And about feelings not so much going away, but being dormant. And, I just love that. I love reading real, complex human feelings that I can connect to. And I love connecting to Lily.
And Narcissa in the snow! How beautiful was that?
The *ahem* scene in the Slyth common room was gorgeous. And wonderfully not NC-17 so you can post it to MNFF and I can leave you an insane review :D
Thank you SO much, dear. Seriously. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
- Afifa
You've portrayed Lily so wonderfully - the whole thing about her feeling empty and cold was so real.
My heart broke at the part where Lily is thinking about how she wasn't really happy with James. It was just ... aw. :(
An absolutely delightful read, dear.
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