Title: Intersection Author: Katie/Starmaiden Pairing: George/Angelina Prompt: boating by night Rating: 1st-2nd Years Warnings: None Word Count: 1184 Summary: Two lives intersect over the years.
Aw, the ending is so sweet! Actually, the whole thing is very sweet, but in a simple way that doesn't leave me with a toothache, you know? -applauds- I love when that happens with a story!
The only thing I would mention is that Angelina and the twins were in their sixth year during GoF, not their seventh.
Oh my goodness, I was all teary when George was talking to underground!Fred! How utterly bittersweet. *hugs for that*
Also, since, during some research, I just found out about the two of them getting married just the other day - I know, where have I been? - I was really looking forward to a lovenote on them. And yours is lovely. Thank you!
Comments 3
The only thing I would mention is that Angelina and the twins were in their sixth year during GoF, not their seventh.
Also, since, during some research, I just found out about the two of them getting married just the other day - I know, where have I been? - I was really looking forward to a lovenote on them. And yours is lovely. Thank you!
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