Title: Hell Hath No Fury Like a Redhead
Author: Kasey/hogwartsduchess
Pairing: Viktor/Ginny
Prompt: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Rating: Professors
Warnings: nudity, sexual inuendo
Word Count 327
Summary: Part of his brain began to argue that loyalty to a man he didn’t know well was really not all that important
Author's Notes: prompt: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, pairing: Viktor/Ginny - this was a fun little drabble, I hope it pleases - or teases - whatever the case may be.
She was sitting in his drawing room, her long legs stretched out in front of her. The black stockings were sheer, obviously silk, and stopped mid-thigh, and as for the rest of her clothing - well, Viktor couldn’t see that there was much else to it, but her legs were crossed. He supposed she could be wearing something he just couldn’t see. Her red hair was floating like a cloud around her shoulders and she looked completely at-home and comfortable in his house, as though she somehow belonged there. A small part of his brain began to argue that loyalty to a man he didn’t know well was really not all that important.
He could recall the scene in the Leaky Cauldron two nights ago clearly. She’d been sitting with her brother and Hermione, laughing and chatting animatedly, when he’d arrived. Hermione had spotted him and instantly invited him to sit down, which he had done willingly. After all, everyone knew that she and Potter were on the outs again, and this time it seemed to be for good. They’d laughed a rather lot and it was only a lingering thought that friends, no matter how distant, did not sleep with friends’ ex-girlfriends that kept him from taking her up on her blatant invitation to come up to her flat at the end of the night.
Now, he wasn’t so sure. She stood, and he could see quite clearly that he wasn’t mistaken; the stockings were all she had on. His arm reached for her of its own accord and she stepped just out of reach.
“You lost your chance,” she said coldly, the warm fire in her eyes going out instantly. Without another word she turned and Disapparated.
Two weeks later he heard that she and Potter had gotten engaged, and a small part of him was grateful for his own self-control. The rest of him, however, spent quite a long while wishing that she’d stayed.