Title: Some State of Happiness Setting: Modern Genre: Romance Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: Author's Notes: You should all thank Leslie for being of so much help to me with this
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Oh, did you know this is my fourth time reading this before finally being able to sit down and say something other than, "GUH!"
I have to say that the "Then"s and "Nows" etc were a VERY good touch! It effectively built background for the characters. But I love the characters' dialogue the most. How sophisticated!
Thank you so much for the delightful read, mystery writer (though I have a good idea who you areee :D)
Comments 1
I have to say that the "Then"s and "Nows" etc were a VERY good touch! It effectively built background for the characters. But I love the characters' dialogue the most. How sophisticated!
Thank you so much for the delightful read, mystery writer (though I have a good idea who you areee :D)
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