you doing today? still on holidays or at work like me, pretending to work really hard while I'm updating my lj for the 1st time in days ;-))
Ok here we go, please be advised that it will be a random post with many, many different (boring?) subjects.
#1 = I had an awesome Christmas day, I hope you too! All my family was happy with the gifts I bought
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Comments 18
I'm glad you had a good Xmas, I had a nice one too. I posted about it at my LJ with pics and vids.
I hope the New Year will bring you everything you wish for!
Can't wait to discuss the whole season with you hon. You'll love Dean more than ever :))) we should be able to do so asap. You're right, I've watched "Bad Day at Black Rock" yesterday and it's getting better & better :D
I posted about it at my LJ with pics and vids. Great, I'll check that after lunch break (It seems that I really don't want to work today LOL)
I hope the New Year will bring you everything you wish for! Thanks, I wish the same for you and your family!
*hugs back*
cool! a digital picture frame! I'd love to have one :)
for SPN.. yeah, I am absolutely sure that Dean would love to settle down too. he'd make a great dad!
oh, I have random for you too.... je sais que tu download des épisodes de séries parfois.. tu n'aurais pas, par le plus grand des hazard, les épisodes 1 et 2 de Prison Break saison 1 en français? je ne les trouves plus dans mes DVR et ma cousine aimerait les avoir pour son fils (j'ai tout les autres).... ou si tu savais où me dire où chercher, j'apprécierait vraiment! merci!
(I really loved The Departed too, definitely one of the movies that really made an impression on me!) I SO agree with you. It blew my mind, especially Di Caprio & Nicholson's performances.
cool! a digital picture frame! I'd love to have one :) yeah, it's a great idea. I have awesome brothers & parents ;-))
for SPN.. yeah, I am absolutely sure that Dean would love to settle down too. he'd make a great dad! There's something so special about Jensen/Dean when he's with children, some chemistry that makes me think that he really likes them. Dean & Ben together were too cute for words ♥
oh, I have random for you too.... je sais que tu download des épisodes de séries parfois.. tu n'aurais pas, par le plus grand des hazard, les épisodes 1 et 2 de Prison Break saison 1 en français? J'ai tous les épisodes de Prison Break, par contre je ne les ai pas en français, je les télécharge en anglais, sous-titré en français. Si ça t'intéresse je peux te graver un cd et te l'envoyer, ou les charger sur gigasize. Sinon en ce qui concerne un ( ... )
So pleased you had a great Christmas with your family.
Not really watched much TV, unfortunately here we have the same old repeats on at Christmas *lol*.
I totally agree with you on all of your Dean comments he was so dissapointed about Ben, and I also think he would secretly like to settle with a family of his own.
Hi! First of all thank you for the links to Still Life and Dark Angel, busy downloading them now. you're very welcome! Can't wait to hear your thoughts about them.
So pleased you had a great Christmas with your family. I really had a great Christmas, what about yours? I hope you've been spoiled, you deserve lots, lots of presents ;-)
I totally agree with you on all of your Dean comments he was so dissapointed about Ben, and I also think he would secretly like to settle with a family of his own. Dean is so good with children, he's got a special chemistry. It's too cute, it makes me melt ♥
*hugs you back*
Oooh I loved that episode. I thought the kids were uber creepy and yeah, I agree that you could totally see Dean wanting more of the family life.
*hus you*
I'm still on holiday, so all is good. And I'm glad you had a great Christmas. That frame sounds cool. Hey, great! I hope you're enjoying your holidays and taking some rest!
Oooh I loved that episode. I thought the kids were uber creepy and yeah, I agree that you could totally see Dean wanting more of the family life. Creepy doesn't even begin to cover it, during the whole episode I was trying to imagine how I would react with my child?? I think I would have knocked her/him out and taken him to the hospital LOL
Dean made me so sad in this episode, I'd like to see him happy for once and he really seems to want a family...
I've been missing you my darling, sorry i can't be around more!
About Dean... yep, I also think that he could settle down one day and that he's be a very nice father, given the chance. Yes, he has so much chemistry with the kids. I'd really love to see him happy!
I know I've been saying it a lot but it never gets old (well, at least for me ;-) )
( ... )
More seriously, I like your comparison with Angel. It makes sense: one being doomed because he is cursed if he finds True happiness and the other who can't find true hapiness, because he's doomed to help the others before helping himself... Poor, poor Dean *pets him*
p.s.: my dear friend, are you like me?? impatient to watch Lost season 4!! I can't wait!!
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