[Arashi] catch me If You can

Oct 18, 2010 23:26

catch me If You can
Nino/Sho, Ohno/Nino | PG, 846 words
For the melody lingers on. Inspired (loosely) by Catch Me If You Can by The Like. They have such fun music, so I'm not sure how...this came out of it. WHATEVER. Mild AU again. Will post some horribly fluffy shit that's been lying around on my computer sometime soon, I guess.

"I'm going now," Nino announces.

Ohno doesn't wake. Nino considers throwing something at him. He grabs his jacket and slings it over his arm, then picks a green shirt of Ohno's up off the floor and is about to drape it over the back of the chair but stops. He holds onto it and walks out.

Nino tells Sho he likes him. There's a moment where Sho misunderstands, which isn't surprising, but Nino clarifies (like like) and Sho's lips stretch into a thin line.

"Maybe this was a bad time?" Nino says, more to himself than Sho.

Sho nods slowly. "Sorry. You know it's been kind of-"

"Yeah," Nino cuts him off. "I know." Sho is frowning but Nino kisses him square on the mouth anyway. Sho doesn't say anything for a very long time.

Ohno turns up at one AM, slurring his words on Nino's doorstep. Nino takes the alcohol from his hands, pecks him on the nose, and invites him in.

"I wasn't expecting you," Nino tells him.

Ohno's lips curl up at the sides. "I wasn't expecting me either."

Nino pours himself a drink, and then another, and after eight (or maybe more) he's on his back and Ohno has lips and tongue around his cock. Nino presses the heels of his hands into his eyes, and the rest is a blur.

Sho approaches Nino with a horribly solemn expression two days after that. Nino almost wants to run.

"I-" is all Sho finds voice for. He closes his eyes, breathes deeply and then bows. When he straightens up again, he places his hands tentatively on Nino's shoulders and then hugs him.

Sho pulls back a bit and Nino holds him in place with hands on Sho's cheeks. Nino means to ask It's okay right? but he gets ahead of himself and slips his tongue into Sho's mouth first. He's not really surprised when Sho reciprocates, not this time. It's nice. Sho's lips are warm. Nino's are always so cold.

Nino puts his hand out, plastic bag dangling from his fingers. "Here."

Ohno looks the bag up and down and takes it cautiously. He pulls a brand new t-shirt from the bag, tag hastily torn in half so the price is gone.

Ohno doesn't understand. Nino doesn't say anymore on the matter.

Nino grins at Sho as he slurps up his ramen. "It's good?"

Sho covers his mouth with his hand as he swallows. "It's good."

"It's nice being out," Nino muses and eats more of his ramen. Sho is smiling and Nino's heart swells. He picks up some pork in his chopsticks and drops it into Sho's bowl.

"What? Why?" Sho says, furrowing his brows.

"Or I could feed you?" Nino suggests innocently and Sho starts laughing.

"No, no I'm fine."

Nino grins, resigned. "Fine."

They're sober this time. Nino can't remember when they last were. It's no lie.

It's strange. This way, Ohno's gaze is hotter on his skin; his touch makes Nino's stomach clench uncomfortably and his heart pound against his ribcage. He's waiting for the moment where he loses track of what's going on, but it doesn't come. Such proximity, so exposed, so embarrassing, and when he comes he's biting back tears.

He slips out of the house when Ohno falls asleep that night. On the footpath, he crouches down and throws up. He crosses his arms over his face and tries to breathe.

"Are we dating?" Sho asks slowly.

"If you think we are, then we are," Nino says simply.

Sho breaks into a toothy smile, slightly flushed. He presses a chaste kiss against Nino's lips.

"I can't." The words are heavy on his tongue and Nino thinks he sees the moment Ohno's heart breaks, splattered across gradually aging features. "There was a time for this, but I don't know where it went." Nino struggles to look at Ohno anymore after that, worried he'll prolong this again. He doesn't want to watch as Ohno's shoulders tighten up, as his eyes squeeze shut.

Nino turns away.

"You're okay with this, aren't you." It's not really a question.

Nino looks at Sho. "It's been a few months. I should be."

Sho slips his hand into Nino's. It's a reassurance, We'll take it slow.

Nino's heart flutters. He squeezes Sho's hand. "It's here." He doesn't specify what, but he thinks maybe Sho gets it.

"It wasn't there last time?" Sho enquires.

"If only." Nino glances at Sho, whose expression has fallen dramatically. "But this is better. You're better."

Sho looks sheepish and he bumps their shoulders together.

"Don't let me down, Sho-chan."

"I'm getting there," is Ohno's curt reply. "It hasn't been long."

Nino nods. "You know I'm really-"

"Sakurai-kun, he likes you doesn't he. I can tell." Ohno interrupts.

Nino shrugs. "I don't really know him."

"You should talk to him," Ohno tells him. "He's nice."


The first time Nino wakes up next to Sho, he's not hungover, he's not running away, he's not regretful. He turns over and taps Sho on the nose.

"Good morning."

s: one-shot, p: nino/ohno, r: pg, p: nino/sho, f: arashi

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