Is It Safe?

Jan 25, 2007 08:08

I kept seeing the posters on BART: In 6 months, we can train you to complete a marathon or half marathon and make a difference in the fight against AIDS.

Even if I've never run a step, you say? 98% of trainees complete the marathon? Whenever people ask me why I do crazy things, my response is: why not?

I needed to get in shape. The fight against AIDS was a good cause. It was a sublime combination of selfish and selfless motives.

And so I decided to run the San Francisco Marathon on July 29.

I would never have thought myself capable of running a marathon, but the truth is with the right training, anyone can do it. And since I'm doing it to benefit others, I have a stronger drive and sense of commitment.

In order to have the privilege of running twenty-six miles, I must raise $1,800 by April 27. PLEASE DONATE WHATEVER YOU CAN. $1, $5, whatever! Hell, if I can get 360 of you to donate $5, I'll be set.

Now, if charity isn't enough incentive for you, I am offering a prize to the person (or group) who donates the most money. When I asked hobviously what I had to offer, she answered, "Hilarity." So that is what you get. If you donate more than anyone else, I will:

a) recap a television episode of your choice (one hour or two half-hours) OR
b) filk the song of your choice using the topic of your choice OR
c) write a post on the subject of your choice (within reason) OR
d) produce any other creative effort within my capabilities that you can come up with...we'll work something out

I promise to produce the highest quality work I can, as if I were satisfying myself. And I'm a tough audience.

If you want to participate, please e-mail me after you donate with the subject line "Donation - $XX" so I can keep track of who's donated what and connect you with your LJ name. While I would love to collect more than necessary, this contest ends once I reach my goal of $1,800.

So, again: please donate! It's not per mile.

BONUS: I have a marathon buddy, dachelle. Still have some extra dough? Please support her as well! She is running for blood cancers, which is also a good cause. If you match (or exceed) your donation to me, I will write you a limerick. If you donate not as much, I will write you a haiku.

i heart public transportation, see cow run, pimpings, personal

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