Have you been to
helpmeveronica.com, the very first Veronica Mars alternate-reality game (ARG), which took the Internet by storm, garnering multiple high-profile media mentions and hooking thousands of new viewers with its viral mayhem?
Um. Well, have you been to
helpmeveronica.com, the very first Veronica Mars alternate-reality game (ARG), which
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Comments 113
This is indeed pretty damn amazing.
*shrug* You're a creative guy, but it seems like this was tooting your own horn for its own sake and not hugely helping get new fans. Perhaps I'm wrong, and that one guy that replied represents a huge set of new fans.
Not that it's a big deal to me one way or another; do what makes you happy and excited. But it seems weird to get all upset at people for not liking what you're doing, and get all passive-aggressive about it.
Well, no. But the idea was to get those fans interested so that they would pass the world along, and the more people who pass the word along, the more people it reaches, and the probability that a non-fan finds it increases. That's how viral marketing works. It's a word-of-mouth thing. And VM fans themselves were annoyed to see it in their community, so it's not like actively promoting it ourselves in other communities would go over better. We did have people post links in various other forums across the Internet, and there was a little response.
You're a creative guy, but it seems like this was tooting your own horn for its own sake and not hugely helping get new fans.This is pretty insulting. Just so you know. I won't deny that there's a lot of horn-tooting going on in this ( ... )
I'm not talking about this post; I'm talking about the whole project. That's why I say "not hugely helping get new fans". Clearly, a LJ post isn't going to get a whole lot of new fans no matter how much traffic. By all means, pimp out whatever in your LJ.
I'm sorry if I insulted you. Honestly, doing things like this for fun or good times or whatever seems fine to me, and I don't think it's a bad thing to say how awesome you are as many times as you like. I just honestly didn't understand how this idea would get new fans.
Doesn't seem like a terribly complicated concept to me. If there's a story that people unfamiliar with the show are exposed to, a story that is good enough to hook them in, it could be enough to get them to start watching. The trick was getting new people exposed to the videos, and making them interesting enough to get hooked by. Maybe we were all naive enough to believe it was possible, but enough of us did believe in it to give it a shot.
If you go here;
You can post your game for free. Many first time gamers do, and you'll get a ton of hits. The only restriction is that the game must be porn free.
Thanks for the link! We're porn-free. Mostly.
I'm glad you found me easy to work with (despite the time constraints). I'd be happy to help with stuff in the future!
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