I just watched the Farscape S2 finale, which means it's time to write up some thoughts. Spoilers galore, because what's the point of giving you a non-spoilery reaction? Only the people who've already watched the show care what I think by this point.
In which Polter-Cow is underwhelmed, overwhelmed, and just plain whelmed )
Comments 45
I am scared of Mal.
I heard you'd been going through the continuityporn that is Farscape for the first time and posting your reactions. The night I decided to check it out, you posted for season 2. Rock.
I know that season 2 is a favorite of many, but I love, love, love season three. Season 2 is very hit and miss for me. It has several very awesome episodes. It can probably claim a higher number of ab fab stand-a-lones than any other season. But that's kinda a bonus for me with shows. I'm in it for the arc. Season 3 is the most arc intensive of the seasons. And it is also very painful. Enjoy!
And as a die hard romance goo of a girl, I've gotta say that I hate "The Locket." Yes, I also love continuity like whoa, and so don't like episodes that reset themselves. But also, John and Aeryn are my 'ship of excellentness. Their arc is so beautiful. And I'm supposed to believe that they lived together on a planet for 50 years without doing anything about their feelings? Fuck that shit. That is waaay too unresolved for me. I know Aeryn ( ... )
I watched Season 3 completely unspoiled when it first aired. I won't go into details about my reaction(s), given spectralbovine's unspoiled status, but I will take this moment to agree with you whole-heartedly, and to state for posterity that the ending arc of Season 3 (and how the previous three years of the show built up to it) is pretty much why I've devoted my life to a career in television.
I wish I had the guts to devote my life to a career in television. Oh, storytelling.
Hot diggity damn. It sounds like my favorite season of Angel, season four.
And I'm supposed to believe that they lived together on a planet for 50 years without doing anything about their feelings? Fuck that shit.
Seriously! Like, whatever.
I hope you don't mind my drive by comment, here, but it's lovely to have an excuse to use my Farscape icons.
Mind? Hell no! Thank you for commenting! Did you see my post about season one?
Also in Out of their Minds, the show starts out with the sound editors overdubbing the real actors voices and mingling them with the new voices for a short time until fading out the original voices and just letting the actors mimic them.
I love this show.
Oooh, okay. That does make sense. I thought that might have been it.
Also in Out of their Minds, the show starts out with the sound editors overdubbing the real actors voices and mingling them with the new voices for a short time until fading out the original voices and just letting the actors mimic them.
Okay, that is what it sounded like! Very cool.
But it gets better. Oh, yes. I believe Strega said it best that Farscape aimed really, really high, so when it was bad, it was really, really bad, but when it was good it was awesome. (Okay, she didn't say those exact words, but something like that.)
And I liked "The Ugly Truth"! Mainly because Stark died and I like it when characters die. Plus, his only good line was "My side, your side, my side, your side." Man, my family repeated that a lot after that episode. "My chicken, your chicken, my chicken, your chicken."
And hee, I love "My side, your side, my side, your side." Totally Stark's best line.
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