In May, I tackled the classic fantasy series The Dark Is Rising Sequence (full Goodreads reviews:
Over Sea, Under Stone,
The Dark Is Rising,
The Grey King,
Silver on the Tree), by Susan Cooper (as read by Alex Jennings), and, hey, it was one of the most frustrating reading experiences of my life!
In Over Sea, Under Stone, Simon, Jane
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Comments 19
Whenever Mark gets around to reading them, I can be the guy who complains all the time!
Over Sea, Under Stone I admit I never liked, even as a kid. It was a boring adventure novel, and those should not exist. Moving on.
...actually, no, I will fail to convince you, I can already see it. So instead I'll say that to my eyes the books are rich in metaphor, philosophy, and English/Welsh folklore, and I'm addicted to all of those and can read them again and again and find new subtle insights. I'm sorry you did not enjoy them, but alas, we can't all enjoy the same books, so c'est la vie!
There are some moments in the sequence that will live in my mind forever as bright spots of powerful emotion and magic. I reread them once every two years or so, and they never get old for me.
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