We're Number One There

May 02, 2009 12:04

An interesting coda to the story about my grandfather: after I posted, he was still hospitalized for about a week with an ongoing fever, but they finally discharged him and now he's fine. But when he was originally hospitalized, the doctor had actually given him 24 hours. And my uncle knew this when he told me he'd be fine. In fact, he told pretty ( Read more... )

being indian, if one thing really means one, family, personal, girls, is it racism week?, such is life, random acts of kindness

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Comments 32

kremlindusk May 2 2009, 19:28:08 UTC

Okay, it's been a while now since I've lived in California, but I thought it was like... progressive over there?

I guess Prop 8 is just the tip of the iceberg, then?

I don't know why you keep coming across awkwardly so-not-racist-that-they're-racist people. I don't even know the last time someone mentioned anything about my race. I think it was when I was in junior high and some kid thought I was Mexican because there aren't that many of them in Colorado. I'm Italian and Puerto Rican but I'm much more Italian and I think I look it, so I was just like, "Whaa?"

Anyway. I guess now that I'm in Arizona people know what real Mexicans look like and don't think I am one anymore. Heh.

Oh, by the way, I think this should be added to your user info and become your personal tagline:

"If there's one thing I like, it's touching girls."

I lolled.

(Edited the "our" into "your," which is what I meant to write. Although I guess I like touching girls, too. Hah.)


spectralbovine May 2 2009, 19:48:15 UTC
I don't know why you keep coming across awkwardly so-not-racist-that-they're-racist people.
I don't know either. I also don't know whether I've just become more sensitized to it recently because of all the online discussions of race. I mean, I think I've always encountered people who, because I am Indian, tell me about this other Indian person they know. I just thought it was normal; I never felt that weird about it. And now I feel a little weirder about things like that that are pretty innocuous.

Oh, by the way, I think this should be added to your user info and become your personal tagline:

"If there's one thing I like, it's touching girls."
Hee. I don't know whether I should be advertising that fact. All the girls might run away.

I lolled.
If there's another thing I like, it's making people LOL.


kremlindusk May 2 2009, 21:00:12 UTC
I don't know if I was raised differently or what but I would be so embarrassed to bring up a person's race for no reason like that. Or weight or sexual orientation, etc. If *they* bring it up, that's totally cool, but it's like... it so doesn't matter enough for me to bring it up.

As it is I feel guilty that I have to specify if someone isn't white, because I assume the listener (who is usually white) will imagine a white person by default. It shouldn't matter, but I want people to see it in their mind exactly the way I saw it, so I feel the need to describe people in extreme detail. It probably makes me look bad, heh. It's just the director in me, I promise! :p


spectralbovine May 3 2009, 00:05:43 UTC
Yes!! I feel so racist just for mentioning that someone is black. It always feels like an epithet. Like it's dirty to even notice.


maidofawesome May 2 2009, 20:18:08 UTC
If there's one thing I like, it's touching girls.

SUNIL! (But also, hee.)

My favourite radio DJ left last week, and I'm so sad. His show really brightened up my mornings, because he was really funny and would tell entertaining stories and just generally talk nonsense. They replaced him with the DJ who specialises in rock (it's an indie station) who just has no charisma or sense of humour. They are now calling the breakfast show 'the no-nonsense breakfast' and it's just like - I miss the nonsense! And it's actually made me turn off XFM, for the first time in six years, because I can't bear his irritating show any longer. Which is really sad.


spectralbovine May 2 2009, 20:27:23 UTC

I hate when radio changes! It is supposed to be a constant in my world.


miniglik May 2 2009, 21:10:29 UTC

Why not like that?

I think you could make a good living going to parties with lots of drunk people and writing articles about all the incredibly stupid things they say. Particularly with that, "come awkardly bare your racist inner thoughts to me" aura you have going right now.

So... the fact that I've lived here for two years and couldn't name a single radio station is bad?


spectralbovine May 3 2009, 00:10:43 UTC

Why not like that?
Big girls, not little girls. And not that kind of touching. Well, for the little girls. I'm good with that for the big girls.

I think you could make a good living going to parties with lots of drunk people and writing articles about all the incredibly stupid things they say. Particularly with that, "come awkardly bare your racist inner thoughts to me" aura you have going right now.
Ha ha ha ha. Oh man. That's a book right there! Right? Man, I'm going to be famous.

So... the fact that I've lived here for two years and couldn't name a single radio station is bad?
Well, some people don't listen to the radio. Or they only listen to satellite radio.


rowanceleste May 2 2009, 21:09:45 UTC
Christine declared that I had to marry a white girl! Because her Hungarian soon-to-be-brother-in-law had married an Indian woman-Indians were still her favorite, though, not Hungarians-and their daughter was so cute.
Have you seen my niece, Kaeli? Proves the 'mixed raced kids are pretty damn cute!' rule. Hee. Laini is still a baby, so just has standard universal baby cuteness.

I don't know why you keep running into not-actually racist, but 'race-aware?' type people either! I can't think of anyone I've met that has actually cared that I'm Sri Lankan (other than Indian people, because I (sort of?) look Indian. Maybe because I'm only ethnically Sri Lankan and culturally American? No idea.

Being appreciated and hugging cute people is always good! How is your bridal search going? Found anyone that actually would make you happy and not just your parents?


spectralbovine May 3 2009, 00:13:34 UTC
Well, I might if she would just respond to my damn e-mail. She looks fine on paper.

I must be wearing that shirt latropita mentioned. I mean, you're darker than I am! People should totally be congratulating themselves for being nice to you! And I am ethnically Indian and culturally American, so you can't use that excuse.

And I have seen neither of your nieces.


rowanceleste May 3 2009, 00:28:26 UTC
You must just be more social...or I know more tolerant people! ;)

I hope she responds to your email soon! Does she live in Cali?

I posted pics of my nieces on my FB wall :)


spectralbovine May 3 2009, 00:33:33 UTC
Ah, I will go look at the pictures. There is too much stuff on Facebook to keep track of.

And, no, my potential future wife is in DALLAS, of all places.


porpentine May 2 2009, 21:52:09 UTC
Dammit, I wondered why the hell they were so "proud" to be playing music in the mornings. At least I am better informed, if now sad to find they got canned rather than getting better gigs.


spectralbovine May 3 2009, 00:16:24 UTC
Yeah, it was pretty shitty. I only found out the next week when it was just Greg playing music for a couple days, which had never happened before, since normally, when WTR were off, they played old shows. So I poked around the Internet and found out the awful truth.


cerulgalactus May 2 2009, 22:37:07 UTC
I'm starting to think that all the white folk in Cali are turning into some weird Michael Scott/David Brent hybrid - so eager to show how progressive and 'colour blind' they all are that they end up blurting out the most hateful, yet wtf-worthy, things they can when they meet someone of a different race.


spectralbovine May 3 2009, 00:17:09 UTC
Hey, she said I had a sexy tan! That's not hateful!


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