Каким мог бы быть Ближний Восток

Feb 14, 2015 03:25

Интересная статья: The Middle East That Might Have Been о деятельности комиссии Кинга-Крейна.

Почему считалось необходимым создание независимого государства Армения:

Outrage over the Ottoman government’s 1915-1916 genocide of Armenians led almost all Western observers to agree on the necessity of an independent Armenian state. The commission offered a number of caveats, and proposed giving Armenians a smaller territory than what other Western leaders proposed, but nonetheless concluded: “The reasons for a separate Armenia ... may be said to be because of the demonstrated unfitness of the Turks to rule over others, or even over themselves.”

via inzhir_mindal

turkey, maps, armenia, us, history, arabs

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