(no subject)

Nov 18, 2006 20:54

He's dreaming again.

He's dreaming again, with the kind of breathtaking sense of clarity that accompanies the dreams that mean something, that mean something important. The funny thing is -- he can't see. It's all rooms with white veils like cobwebs and shadowy figures that he can never quite see or reach, and when he wakes up he has to catch his breath, and remind himself that he's not alone, he's not isolated, that he can head down to the station any time he wants, that he can go to Milliways.

He's had the dream three times this week.

The dead are walking in Twin Peaks.

Cooper isn't sure what the hell is going on.


Harry sits him down and tells him that Audrey Horne has found her way into Milliways.

Cooper tells Harry that he'll talk to her.


He doesn't have to.
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