Title: Aftermath
Pairing: gen; pre-Beckett/Weir if you tilt your head and squint
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Spoilers: mild references to season three episodes, up to 'Progeny'
Notes: Written for
starrylizard for the
icaw Ficathon, who requested 'Carson goes offworld, the natives seem friendly, but they are hiding something, hurt/comfort or angst with a happy
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Comments 5
It's perfect. Poor woobie Carson embarrassed to be in his own infirmary and he blew up stuff trying to use his ATA. Oh and I love ELizabeth and her amusement after everyone is safe. It's very in character.
Thanks so much!! *grins*
...and I should have said that you could pick and choose with the prompt. It wasn't meant to be all of it. I hope I didn't freak you out with it or anything... O_O
And no worries! I had this whole elaborate plotline mapped out in my head, until I realized I was making it unnecessarily complicated -- so Carson ended up sketching in my elaborate plotline for Elizabeth instead, ^_^
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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