Monthly inspiration posts from around fandom

May 01, 2011 19:00

Prompts @ barcapietros  :

When Pietros first came into the ludus, he was in awe of the gladiators and how skilled with weapons they were.  However after a few days, he realizes he misplaced his wonder. 
No matter how often Pietros saw death in the ludus, he never got used to it. 
There was a time when Barca believed he would have his freedom until the night he was betrayed. 
No more stories of Barca's victory will ever be told.

More Picture Prompts

Prompts @ sbsfemslash  :

Mira/Aurelia, post-blood and sand, codependence hidden behind banter and bickering
Mira/Naevia, pre-blood and sand, visiting a lonely shepherdess
Mira/Diona, pre-series, we come from the same place
Mira/Naevia/Aurelia, future, chasing the sunset

More Mira Prompts

Prompts @ barcapietros  :

Spartacus/Sura, pre-blood&sand, fertility rite
Spartacus&Mira(romance optional), post-blood&sand, always at your back.
Spartacus&Crixus(romance optional), post-blood&sand, lost in the wilderness
Spartacus&Varro(romance optional), during-blood&sand, dice & death on bloody sand

More Spartacus Prompts
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