Title: Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake Author: sparseparsley Rating: NC-17 Genre/Pairing: Total AU, Romantic Comedy, Dean/Cas Summary: The good ones are sometimes assholes and always taken.
Sam want Dean to read Dune!! *fangirling squeal* At least I think is Dune 'cause I don't know any other book with giant, killer sand worms. I'm huge fan of Dune
I read the whole fic and I loved it su much. It goes to my memories. *thumbs up*
I'm thinking of doing some comics for the dean/cas fandom but I think I'm not confident enough yet *ashmed* I only have a few sketches of the boys and cas.
Oh, noes! I didn't comment on part 1, I was gonna wait til I finished the whole thing, but it was so steamy here at the end of part 2 that my computer crashed! No.Joke. There I am reading about Cas shoving his tongue in Dean's mouth *meow* and Dean plopping Cas onto a counter *double meow* and then bright blue screen with big white lettering telling me something has gone horribly wrong with my computer. Yeah, and I'll tell you what Mr. Dell, I was just reading a steamy make-out scene and your stupid Dell components couldn't handle it! LOL! *onto part 3*
LOVE the Dune reference!'Tis amazing, like the peanut butter pumpkin cake. Which makes me want to make a pumpkin cake with peanut butter ganache and whipped cream icing, btw. Anyway, I have to admit I'm concerned about how this is going to reasolve! From Cas's POV, Dean must sound like such a closeted, homophobic, self loathing jackass
Comments 19
I read the whole fic and I loved it su much. It goes to my memories. *thumbs up*
Thanks for reading! I used to stalk those comics you did on Y-Gallery. I love your style, it's so clean but still emotional.
I'm thinking of doing some comics for the dean/cas fandom but I think I'm not confident enough yet *ashmed* I only have a few sketches of the boys and cas.
Actual comment on the way. :needs to cool down:
Anyway, I have to admit I'm concerned about how this is going to reasolve! From Cas's POV, Dean must sound like such a closeted, homophobic, self loathing jackass
No, really. ;p Thanks for reading.
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