Forgetting Any Other Home But This

Sep 22, 2012 17:14

I woke up with a hangover and a cold that could cripple an elephant, wrote this, and went back to bed. Sometime after that I was dragged to a four-hour brunch and now I am posting this and dragging my ass to the gym. I sincerely hope this isn't terrible, and sincerely apologize if it is.

Title: Forgetting Any Other Home But This
Rating: PG?
Words: ~1, ( Read more... )

actual puppy sammy winchester, dean winchester is saved, supernatural, bobby singer finally has a tag, nominal curtain!fic, fanfiction omfg!, whumpy dean is my new toy, sparrow needs a cigarette

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Comments 45

borgmama1of5 September 22 2012, 21:31:03 UTC


sparrow_lately September 23 2012, 03:06:54 UTC
Thank you! (I think?)


rainbow1907 September 22 2012, 21:35:36 UTC
OMG! *sobs* Heartwrenchingly beautiful.


sparrow_lately September 23 2012, 03:07:06 UTC
*tissues* Thank you so much for reading!


smalltrolven September 22 2012, 22:01:17 UTC
Oh this was so poignant. sniff sniff. But I love Bobby's heaven and his happiness that Dean is there with him is just plain beautiful.


sparrow_lately September 23 2012, 03:07:40 UTC
The original prompt sort of broke my heart, and I tried so very hard to make it other than absurdly sad. I'm glad you liked Bobby and Dean's shared heaven. :)


verucasalt123 September 22 2012, 22:03:19 UTC


sparrow_lately September 23 2012, 03:07:46 UTC
Thank you!


tabaqui September 22 2012, 23:41:41 UTC
Ah man. This is the most perfect and wonderful and utterly *please let it happen, oh please* ending that anyone could hope for.
Now excuse me while I go sob in the corner.

For real.


sparrow_lately September 23 2012, 03:08:23 UTC
Ah, no, no sobbing! *offers tissues and stilted, New England-born comfort*

Seriously, thank you. I need to believe they'll all find each other again...


tabaqui September 23 2012, 05:09:15 UTC
Yes, they have to!

*thanks. i'm used to stoic German comfort, so that's fine*


Spirited Away!


sparrow_lately September 23 2012, 05:13:07 UTC
My German mother and Irish Catholic father means I'll pat your back awkwardly and then maybe later get drunk and tearfully tell you your father was a great man. :P

Spirited Away! <3


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