One-shot: Your Choice

Apr 02, 2010 19:04

Title: Your Choice

Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean; Sparrington

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I have no claim on POTC or the lovely characters who populate it, even if it seems that James Norrington has, somewhat disconcertingly, made himself quite at home in my head with no apparent plans to leave. Jack Sparrow has been dropping by at random for years, as well, which surely doesn’t help matters.

Summary: James has had some very poor luck with the French lately, but he can handle himself. Jack is a bit impressed (not that he'll ever admit it, savvy?) and also finds the commodore’s out-of-uniform demeanor both disconcerting and deeply intriguing.

Beta: The right honorable Porridgebird.

Warnings: A male OC for whom I am responsible (James’ brother Laurence) is once more brought in as a minor plot device. Because I like him.
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