Title: Opium, Chapter 1 - ( 50_smutlets table 2 #20 - drugs)
Author: sage_laurel
Rating: Adult, NC/17. This one is R, but it will get very NC/17 next chapters. Sexual stuff, mild drug use.
Pairings: Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the smut in my brain.
Author's Notes: This is the first interlude of a long arc of stories involving Jack and Elizabeth's escapades in Singapore. Plot is not my forte' ( not everyone can be
artaxastra, after all), so this is total PWP. These are kind of different, as each chapter of the story will also be for a prompt from my
50_smutlets table.
http://sage-laurel.livejournal.com/6240.htmlLink goes to my LJ.
Thanks to everyone who helped with time/place research, and thanks as usual to
mermaidinblackfor the beta.
Enjoy, my pretties. Smutty!smut is coming soon, I promise. - Laurel