[TRANS] Hyunjoong's Fanfic: Chapter 1

Feb 06, 2009 20:43

okay, i'm highly amused by all these. everything here (even the footnote at the end) was written by Hyunjoong himself which he then posted on SS501's official website.

Title: ………. Date: 2007-08-23 4:10:05AM

I, Park Jungmin……. Shall now tell confess how I married this person.

SS501 special…… The wedding story of that man and woman…… 10 chaptered mini series.

Entitled ‘Letters of that man and woman’

That man

Hello Jungmin-sshi. Time flies and I’m already 36 years of age.

I… umm…………… 16 years has passed since my debut at 20.

It’s really funny now that I think of it,. When we were young, you, no… the first time Jongmin-sshi met me… It was a summer day on the 8th of June.

It was the first day of my debut and Jungmin-sshi was a young girl living in Ilsan.

Because I was too nervous, I left saying that I’ll go to the toilet.

I went to the toilet, and since the program was aired at night, I had to enter the dark corridor.

Jungmin-sshi, your skin was too dark, blending into the dark, so I accidentally kissed you.

Ever since then, Jungmin-sshi has always been trailing after me.

Destiny is really strange, huh???

Come to think about it, Jungmin-sshi was a really cheerful and innocent kid.

Reason being, you’ve been hanging around in front of my house for the past 16 years


I was a very popular idol back then, now, I have no one besides Jungmin-sshi.

Thank you, Jungmin for always waiting outside my house even when I’m nothing now.

I sometimes think..what attracts you to me???????

It’s really funny, this thing called ‘encounter/meeting’……… kekekekeke

Ah!!!! Do you still remember me going to Japan in 2007?????

We were going to break into the Japanese market… Then, Jungmin-sshi came to the airport to beg me not to go….You even unscrewed the screws of the plane wheel and caused our flight to be delayed by 5 hours…

You were such a kid then but now you’ve turned into a fat ajumma. Not only you, but me too.


Just thinking of what happened then just makes me laugh. So whenever I’m depressed, I’ll think of those things.

The reason why I’m suddenly writing this letter is because I think you’re so cute, waiting downstairs outside my house for me.

Actually, I don’t have any literary talent, and it’s really awkward since it’s my first letter.

I don’t have any literary talent so I’ll stop here.

My last fan Jungmin-sshi………………………………

I received the belt you gave me yesterday. Moreover, I don’t have a belt, so thank you for giving me a belt as a present.

I’ll end here. Your lover forever Kim HyunJoong……

I’ll always put my signature in the postbox for you…… I’ve sent my 4567th signature to you today.

That woman

Oppa……no, Hyunjoong-ah. I’ve grown old too.

Actually, I’m unemployed, so lying to you that I’ve got a job makes me feel guilty everyday.

Even so, when I see you, my heart will beat faster. Why is that so???????

I don’t know if you’ve received the belt I asked Youngsaeng to pass to you.

Did Youngsaeng pass it to you??????

I’m worried but I believe you’ll receive it. Kekeke

Although this nuna doesn’t look her age, but I’m actually…………………. 64 years old now, it’s amazing, isn’t it????

I think I look young too, so although I go around telling people I’m 21, no one believes me.

Looks like you can’t hide your age..


You don’t like writing long letters so I’ll end here today. Bye

Please become a handsome Hyunjoong in future…. Kekeke

Your fan forever, Jungminnie………………………………

And thanks for your signature.

This story is completely unrelated to reality. Readers, please try to understand.

Translated by: Sparkskey

Credits: naver blogs
PLEASE DO NOT TAKE OUT. translations to other languages allowed


Anyway here’s an excerpt from some radio show on 27/3/2008 where Hyunjoong talks about his fanfic.

DJ: Some fans ask, Hyunjoong oppa, where did you get inspiration to write your fanfic from? Was it a result of madness?

KHJ: I was seriously too bored in Japan, I had nothing to do, so I pretended Jungmin wrote me letters…saying ‘I like you so much I’m going crazy’….And I carry that letter around in my bag everyday

PJM: This isn’t the first or second time I’ve been scared by him

KHJ: So I replied his letter…and always put those letters into Jungmin’s bag

PJM: He even puts them in between the pages of my books.

Hyungjun: That’s true. He even gives his signatures to Jungmin, saying that it’s his present to Jungmin…

PJM: He even used my name to say something like how I bought him a branded belt

Hyungjun: And in his reply, he’ll say ‘Thank you for your belt but I don’t really need it…’

PJM: And thank you very much, but please don’t do that in future…things like that

DJ: He said he rejected the gift?

Hyungjun: Yeah, he said he did.

PJM: He himself acts out the role of many characters

DJ: Maybe it’s because he has split personality? This is so interesting and amazing…

PJM: So when he suddenly said he was going to write a fanfic, I didn’t believe him at first..

DJ: Scenes you imagined?

KHJ: Yeah, things I came up with…such..

PJM: He’s embarrassed~~~

DJ: Do you have anything you want to write about now?

Hyungjun: TWO! Fanfic two!!

KHJ: Yeah, I don’t have any inspiration now, I’ll post it up on the official website when I’ve got inspiration.

Translated by: Sparkskey

Credits: naver blogs
PLEASE DO NOT TAKE OUT. translations to other languages allowed

and hahaha at his drawing. it's worse than chun's D: or min's for that matter.

translations, fanfic, hyunjoong

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