Prompts Are Open to Claim.

Apr 16, 2007 11:49

The prompts are now open for claiming!

Behind the cuts are 144 prompts, and just wow. We want to thank you all for providing such a range of wonderful prompts.

A quick rehash of the rules. Each prompt can be claimed by two people, after that it'll be struck off. Stories must be at least 1000 words and sent to us by the 30th June. After that vaudevilles and I will get them ready to be posted by the 2nd of July, when we'll have a day of happy sparkly glee.

If you finish your story before that date, feel free to come back and claim another prompt. We'd love you to do that, because these are stories that people want to see written. Happy stories with the men we love.

Claim by giving the number of the prompt, I'll note who has what.

Please, don't post your story elsewhere until it's been shared here. After that you can post it anywhere you wish, but we really want one huge dose of new happyfic first.

vaudevilles and I have had so much fun with this challenge already, and we hope you'll all have fun too. We're here if you need to ask questions and are always available to hand hold or help in any way.

Completed stories should be sent to sparklyglee at gmail dot com

Also, if you see any prompts you think are in the wrong place, give me a yell and I'll change them.

That's it. Go. Look. Claim



(1)*Pairing: Any polyamorous group, 3 or 4 boys - although if it's 4 they shoulnd't all be from the same band because the poor 5th guy will be left out!
*Physical location: Wherever/whenever, as long as it's not AU. I like something that seems realistic.
*Any major plot points: The formation of a poly relationship, with all the uncertainty and questioning and reactions from other people and most importantly - the sex!
*What's to squee about: Polyamory!!

(2)*Pairing: Any pairing, but it should be guys in a secret relationship or someone unexpected.
*Physical location: ?
*Any major plot points: The boys are caught and there is one of those sudden OMG!1! moments on the part of the discoverer(s).
*What's to squee about: SHOCKING DISCOVERY SCENE!

(3)*Pairing: Nsync, any or none, I really don't care, but not GSF, please
*Physical location: real world, in the near future
*Any major plot points: I want a reunion story. Ideally, the five of them are together somewhere by chance, and realise they work better together than apart, even though they're all doing great.
*What's to squee about: A REUNION STORY!!!!!!!

(4)*Pairing: any or none (JC/Joey?)
*Physical location: on the road - buses, diners, hotels
*Any major plot points: JC takes up knitting as a way to spend time while on the road. He starts talking about the harmony of colours and textures and the pros and cons of synthetic versus natural yarn. Chris mocks him mercilessly, Justin is earnestly worried for his sanity, Joey thinks it's sweet and Lance gives JC tips because his mama used to knit and he knows things.
*What's to squee about: JC knitting sparkly scarves and furry sweaters! Claimed by themoononastick

(5)*Pairing: Backstreet and *NSYNC (choose any pairing you want)
*Physical location: someone's house
*Any major plot points: They get together for a bbq...and end up singing karaoke in [insert name here]'s house.
*What's to squee about: Ten boybanders. One karaoke machine. The possibilities are endless.

(6)*Pairing: any Nsync
*Physical location: probably when they were on tour together, but could be present-day, up to you
*Any major plot points: the guys buy stuff from one of the fancier mail-order catalogues (though, potentially, it might be a sex toys catalogue, who knows), and make fun of one another's purchases.
*What's to squee about: sparkly boys mocking each other

(7)*Pairing: Gen, or GSF, or JC/Justin, or whatever you like
*Physical location: the set of the music video for Up Against The Wall
*Any major plot points: What if Up Against The Wall was a single and had a music video? What would the video be like, and what would happen at the set?
*What's to squee about: Boys together, subtext, dancing, etc. Claimed by turps33


(8)*Pairing: Any nsyncer or Nick or AJ
*Physical location: Space!!
*Any major plot points: I don't care. turloughishere's list of Space AUs makes me want more. Any pairing, any storyline, whatever. I really like Lambs in Space, because it has a rich,detailed background story, so something along those lines would be great. But really, anything.
*What's to squee about: Dude, space!!

(9)*Pairing: Will I get disemboweled if I say it doesn't matter?
*Physical location: Weimar Republic Germany (between the Wars, a'la Cabaret), but that decadence and disregard for traditional mores around gender and social boundaries. And um. YES.
*Any major plot points: Boys in makeup and little clothing, playing with gender but still being boys. Smoky, sleazy, sexy nightclubs. I don't care as long as Chris gets to sing in eyeliner and pigtails.
*What's to squee about: Eyeliner! Singing! Smut! Did I talk about the eyeliner and pigtails? Claimed by milosflaca and luxshine. (co writers)

(10)*Pairing: JC & any Nsyncer
*Physical location: France, present time
*Any major plot points: One of them has to be a vampire, and there's gotta be hot smutty sex and biting and blood *evil grin*
*What's to squee about: What's there not to squee about? huh? Claimed by muinteor

(11)*Pairing: JC/anyone
*Physical location: anywhere
*Any major plot points: Somebody (Lance?) having spine-melting, breathless first time sex with slutty, shameless JC. No need for perfection or True Love, but no angsting about being OMG!gay. Can be canon or AU.
*What's to squee about: Slutty first time sex with JC. Need I say more?

(12)*Pairing: Any Nsync
*Physical location: Alabama "un teen" beauty queen pagent
*Any major plot points: Tiara Girls Nsync!
What's to squee about: Bitching & Make up!


13)*Pairing: Chris/JC
*Physical location: AU
*Any major plot points: Chris owns a tattoo parlor/has his own rock band. JC is an artist who paints a mural for Chris' place-- Chris in turn creates and gives JC his first tattoo.
*What's to squee about: JC, Chris, love of music and art Claimed by zelda_zee

(14)*Pairing: Trickc
*Physical location: Eurodays, so anyplace they were touring back then.
*Any major plot points: I have such love for eurofic. I'd love to see a story about Chris and JC first getting together.
*What's to squee about: Trickc love, which is an awesome thing.

(15)*Pairing: JC/Chris
*Physical location: anywhere, but involving a future reunion
*Any major plot points: After being together (secretly) in the early days of the band, JC and Chris were forced to break up due to management (Lou? maybe Johnny?). They have never really talked about their relationship with each other. Lance and Justin never knew about it (although Joey had suspected). Now, they are finally trying again.
*What's to squee about: They finally get together!! claimed by ariadnem

(16)*Pairing: TrickC
*Physical location: Current or near-future
*Any major plot points: Chris and JC support each other, listen to each other's woes regarding promo, TV, incipient middle-age... ..and finally come together in the end
*What's to squee about: TrickC SCHMOOP!

(17)*Pairing: TrickC
*Physical location: Current
*Any major plot points: A rejected JC leaves the music world and goes to live on a small island. Chris rescues JC from his funk.
*What's to squee about: TrickC comfort. Claimed by joshysleo

(18)*Pairing: JC/Chris
*Physical location: Somewhere overseas
*Any major plot points: Present or Future, they open a business together
*What's to squee about: Success in life and not just with NSYNC, Chris' love of JC and architecture

(19)*Pairing: TrickC
*Physical location: Justin's house
*Any major plot points: It can be during a party, and everyone somewhere out there. It can be that they're taking care of the house while J's on tour. It can even be on Justin's bed and he catching them in the act.
*What's to squee about: my boys' ecstasy. Claimed by lesasoja


(20)*Pairing: Chris/JC
*Physical location: any big city
*Any major plot points: the detective (Chris)/pathologist (JC) AU
*What's to squee about: JC's spaciness but his brilliancy when it comes to doing his job Claimed by luxshine

(21)*Pairing: TrickC
*Physical location: Some sort of superhero/action-adventure AU
*Any major plot points: angsty-schmoop, as opposed to h/c, though I'm fine with that, too. And Lance, Joey, & Justin, too.
*What's to squee about: Adventure!Sync.

(22)*Pairing: TrickC
*Physical location: Any?
*Any major plot points: A gay AU!JC swaps places with the "real" JC, which confuses (but delights!) Chris when JC starts flirting with him. A happy ending is of course required, but how it happens doesn't matter to me... ..the AU is perfect for "Real" JC (Jive actually works WITH him, maybe)? The JC's switch back, but JC realizes Chris is perfect for him? Whatever!
*What's to squee about: Miscommunication cliches taken to a whole new level, hee.

(23)*Pairing: TrickC
*Physical location: AU
*Any major plot points: JC is a music teacher/chorus teacher who has just moved to town at the start of the new school year. Chris has a young daughter who just happens to have JC's class, and finds a way to hook her single father up with JC. The girls' mother is in the picture but she and Chris are just friends, having split up after Chris came out.
*What's to squee about: Love and music and TrickC

(24)*Pairing: TrickC (possibly threemanbus)
*Physical location: Cruise Ship somewhere on the high seas
*Any major plot points: Chris is the entertainment director and he sings and does stand up and organises kids talent quests and grits his teeth and copes with shuffleboard tournaments. And JC is a passenger who has been forced to go on the cruise by his best friend Justin.
*What's to squee about: TrickC! Trapped together! ON A BOAT! A BIG BOAT! With shuffleboard! Claimed by sola_fiamma


(25)*Pairing: JC/Lance
*Physical location: Somewhere that involves a bed in at least one scene.
*Any major plot points: There should be snuggling involved.
*What's to squee about: JC and Lance! Honestly, I don't know what else.

(26)*Pairing: JC/Lance-ish, Lance/someone else?
*Physical location: present
*Any major plot points: Jive makes a straight JC come out in order garner press for his album. Lance pretends to be his boyfriend.
*What's to squee about: Jive doing something about JC's album. Claimed by phaballa

(27)*Pairing: Lance/JC
*Physical location: somewhere on JC's radio promo tour for his cd
*Any major plot points: Lance is listening to JC's interview & waiting for him back at the hotel
*What's to squee about: Lance & JC together and Lance supporting JC's cd!


(28)*Pairing: Lance/JC, hopefully Lance/JC/Brian, but any other pairings/threesomes/GSF moments are more than welcome. Throw in a bit of het if you feel like it.
*Physical location: Southern USA in the late 19th century. This idea was inspired by Lance and JC on the red carpet at the 2003 AMAs in November, as exemplified by these pictures.
*Any major plot points: Lance and JC are conmen posing as revivalist preachers, scamming their way from town to town and scoring a rich harvest of cash and virgin sons and daughters. Lance is the business brains, JC is the one able to put in a star turn as a preacher. Kevin and Brian are the lawmen on their trail (although if that's the only sticking point stopping you writing it (hah) I'll happily negotiate); the other guys can be cast liberally as the people they meet, and generally rip off. I don't know exactly how it works out in the end, but Lance and JC will escape to scam another day. In my ideal fantsy world, the escape plan would somehow involve them both seducing Brian.
*What's to squee about: Y'all, what's not to love? Heat and dust and summer sunshine, JC working up a frenzy in the preaching tent in front of a crowd of very attentive ladies, while outside drawly Lance drinks a ginger beer and looks all heavy-lidded at a wide-eyed local youngster.

(29)*Pairing: JC/Lance
*Physical location: The Departed storyline (JC is the therapist; Lance plays Billy Costigan)
*Any major plot points: Cut to the first therapy session scene with JC/Lance and build from can end it whenever you like...for a fun twist you can make Timberlake play Colin. The film is full of plot points, so you can take your pick.
*What's to squee about: It's JC/Lance and The Departed...need I say more?

(30)*Pairing: JC/Lance
*Physical location: any
*Any major plot points: JC needs to hire a personal trainer to get in shape to tour again, he hires Lance since he was highly recommended.
*What's to squee about: Lance, JC, get the idea :-)

(31)*Pairing: JC/Lance
*Physical location: The SOUF. Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama. (they travel a lot :D)
*Any major plot points: Lance is a socialite, and has been for a very long time. Goes to church, besides being a socialite, he's a good boy. JC makes a good living doing (you pick a profession) and JC happens to make it into one of Lance's parties by accident. Upon seeing JC, Lance says, "Who would dare come in here that badly dressed?" One of Lance's friends will say, "New money, honey." lol Basically, Lance's circle doesn't really accept JC because though he makes really good money, he isn't one them. This a sappy, cliche story for you. Bonus points if you have something about kids and a holiday in there.
*What's to squee about: SOCIALITE!LANCE. HARDWORKING!JC. THEM TOGETHER. *faints*

(32)*Pairing: Lance/JC
*Physical location: Lance's house... in LA would be good, but anywhere is fine. present day.
*Any major plot points: AU. Lance's house need a new look, or he's just moved in, and he hired JC to decorate on the recomendation of his buddy Joey who gave him JC's name because he thought they'd have a grand time in bed and Lance would get back into dating again after a slump. Lance misses that entirely and gives JC carte blanche before leaving for a month long business trip. He gets periodic emails from JC asking if Lance prefers his clocks in the stomachs of Hawaiin girls in grass skirts or buddahs; what he thinks about puce as a statement color and did Lance know that his solarium gets great moonlight, which confuses Lance as he didn't have a solarium when he left.
*What's to squee about: Eventually, Lance will have to come home and see what JC has done! Claimed by stellamira


(33)*Pairing: Chris/Lance
*Physical location: near future
*Any major plot points: Chris and Lance record a duet. And have sex. In whatever order makes sense.
*What's to squee about: Can't you just hear their voices? And then there's the song, too.

(34)*Pairing: Chris/Lance
*Physical location: any
*Any major plot points: snark, banter, and love
*What's to squee about: Chris and Lance and snark, banter and love

(35)*Pairing: Lance or Chris involved in a pairing
*Physical location: present/near future
*Any major plot points: One of the guys in injured (car accident?) and everyone realizes how far they've drifted apart. As they attempt to reconnect two (or more) of the guys find themselves doing more than just reconnecting.
*What's to squee about: love, friendships and a bit of h/c!

(36)*Pairing: Chris/Lance
*Physical location: on tour or recording
*Any major plot points: Reunion, please. Everybody learning how to be a group again -- without all the secrets this time (especially without Lance's).
*What's to squee about: Everybody happy to be together!

(37)*Pairing: Chris/Lance
*Physical location: anywhere
*Any major plot points: Established Relationship - One of Chris's sisters is having some sort of trouble and needs Chris and Lance to take her kid(s) for awhile. The kid(s) disrupt the status quo and force Chris and Lance to reevaluate their relationship and their future plans.
*What's to squee about: kidfic

(38)*Pairing: Chris/Lance
*Physical location: anywhere
*Any major plot points: Set in the present/near future, Chris and Lance have been together for a year or so, Justin is only finding out about it now.
*What's to squee about: established relationship fic!

(39)*Pairing: Chris/Lance
*Physical location: not California or New York
*Any major plot points: Lance decides he's done with Hollywood and tries to find a new direction; he's certainly not expecting to find Chris along for the ride!
*What's to squee about: Chris and Lance!

(40)*Pairing: Chris/Lance
*Physical location: future, touring
*Any major plot points: Nsync [along with Backstreet and 98*] are on a nostalgia driven Boybands Forever tour. Bus assignments are all over the place. there's 3 family busses with the married men and children, a nursery bus, and a bunch of others, including a 'hook up bus'. There'd be crossover covers [can't you just see BSB doing Pop and 98* doing The Call, etc] and big all groups numbers. Chris, Lance, and other long neglected voices would get solos. They drink less, goof off more and still sing great. I'd love to see Chris and Lance as an established couple!
*What's to squee about: You mean beyond the title of the tour? all those weirdo's in one place all the time!


(41)*Pairing: Trickyfish or Lance/Kevin (really, any pairing will do, these are just suggestions)
*Physical location: either now-ish/near-future or slightly AU back-then
*Any major plot points: Lance gets to go to space
*What's to squee about: LANCE GETS TO GO TO SPACE!!!!!111!! Claimed by desultory6

(42)*Pairing: TrickyFish
*Physical location: Florida in the 1930s
*Any major plot points: Story inspired by Some Like It Hot where Lance and Chris have to go undercover as women to escape from Lou after they spot him gunning down rival musicians
*What's to squee about: Snark, banter, Chris trying to walk like a girl while Lance tries to talk like a girl. Does this make them lesbians? Is JC Marilyn Monroe? Claimed by patchworkdragon

(43)*Pairing: Chris / Lance
*Physical location: n/a
*Any major plot points: Lance has a twin. A straight twin. Chris is really confused.
*What's to squee about: Two Lances! Two! (and Chris! and snark! and crack!) Claimed by milosflaca


*Physical location: un-named club, joey or jc's apartment/house/hotel room
*Any major plot points: *sigh* Ok, kinda rambly, but here it is -- JC is dancing, his hair is long enough that it gets the little tossled curls when it's sweaty. His eyes were lined with kohl and it's all smudged now, making them seem even bluer. He's letting himself get lost in both the music and the fact that he knows that Joey is someplace in the club, watching him. So he's making the "show" good for Joey, trying to see how long Joey can last before he "breaks" and drags JC out of the club and "home" to bed.
*What's to squee about: JC and Joey.

(45)*Pairing: JoeC
*Physical location: Present
*Any major plot points: JC has a kink for roleplaying/acting like a cat/kitten. Joey makes sure his pretty kitten is babied and pampered like the fine feline he is.
*What's to squee about: Animal magnetism, tummy Rubs, back scratches, lap laying, purring.

(46)*Pairing: Joey/JC
*Physical location: Anywhere you want, though Orlando would probably work best
*Any major plot points: Joey and JC used to be together, say sometime in the hiatus. JC couldn't accept being gay, so he went off and got with a girl, got married and had a kid. When his marriage ends, JC goes off to find Joey and proclaim his love...the kids love each other and they live happily ever after
*What's to squee about: Joey and JC trying to meld their vastly different parenting styles


(47)*Pairing: JC/Joey
*Physical location: not real picky on location.
*Any major plot points:Joey has magical abilities. JC is in danger. Joey saves him.
*What's to squee about: there's not enough JC/Joey stories around.


*Physical location: Florida, Celebrity era
*Any major plot points: Justin has a fantasy about having sex on the beach, but JC soon teaches him that sand...that gets everywhere...interferes with the idea-- as wonderful as it might be. JC then tries to make Justin feel better by fullfilling a different fantasy.
*What's to squee about: JC and Justin talking about beach sex!

(49)*Pairing: JC/Justin
*Physical location: Current, preferably
*Any major plot points: Funny, snarky porn! No AUs please.
*What's to squee about: Snark! Porn!

(50)*Pairing: Gen, or GSF, or JC/Justin, or whatever you like
*Physical location: the set of the music video for Up Against The Wall
*Any major plot points: What if Up Against The Wall was a single and had a music video? What would the video be like, and what would happen at the set?
*What's to squee about: Boys together, subtext, dancing, etc.

(51)*Pairing: JC/JT
*Physical location: Somewhere in the middle of nowhere!
*Any major plot points: Set a few years down the line, JC's still involved in the music biz, Justin's had some major crisis/breakdown/tragedy/whatever and lives in the middle of nowhere on his own. JC shows up and "fixes" things even though they've had no contact for some length of time.
*What's to squee about: Stubborn Determined JC! Broken Justin! Re-affirmation of friendship & the start of something more :-) Claimed by dutchchannie


(52)*Pairing: Justin/JC
*Physical location: On the road in the van/ magazine interview/ any of the scenes that you might find these people hang out.
*Any major plot points: I might as well embrace my brand new fandom and take advantage of the fact that theres tons of popslash writers in it: Nsync as weemo band.
*What's to squee about: Makeup, girls pants, embracing the boy-touching, bewildering blog posts, etc Claimed by hegemony


(53)*Pairing: TimberTrick
*Physical location: Backstage at Justin's Pittsburg concert
*Any major plot points: Chris and Justin watching watching Joey on Dancing with the Stars
*What's to squee about: snark and love and poking fun and poking fingers and watching Joey ROCK.

(54)*Pairing: Timbertrick ♥
*Physical location: present or just a touch into the future
*Any major plot points: someone is sad and someone else tries to make it okay, lot's of fluffyness and hugs, sex okay too :D, Justin makes Chris breakfast in bed and burnt the eggs and spilled the OJ on Chris but the strawberries and pancakes were good
*What's to squee about: Chris & Justin babysitting, and Joey's gonna be a daddy again :)


(55)*Pairing: Timbertrick
*Physical location: Any jungle of your choice ;-)
*Any major plot points: Either Chris or Justin is the doctor/scientist. The other is one of the tree people. Interpret that how you want. :P A major plot point would be... Them skinny dipping at night, by a small waterfall, in a lily-padded lake, with fireflies surrounding them. XD Yep, I'm a sap.
*What's to squee about: Are you crazy? Hot, sweaty, jungle man-sex? Between Chris and Justin, no less? :D Claimed by stubbleglitter


(56)*Pairing: Lance/Justin
*Physical location: anywhere, but keeping in mind that ...
*Any major plot points: ... Lance and Justin manage to get locked in somewhere for a few hours
*What's to squee about: the things they try to do to amuse themselves

(57)*Pairing: Lance/Justin
*Physical location: DwtS set
*Any major plot points: Justin and Lance go to see Joey on DwtS all incognito because Justin doesn't want to take attention away from Joey. Lance gets spotted by an entertainment reporter and asked about his date.
*What's to squee about: Joey dancing! Lambs! claimed by withdiamonds

(58)*Pairing: Lance/Justin
*Physical location: LA, present/near-future
*Any major plot points: Justin figures out that he has a thing for Lance and tries to woo him.
*What's to squee about: Lambs Claimed by withdiamonds

(59)*Pairing: Lambs
*Physical location: Los Angeles, NYC, wherever
*Any major plot points: Justin has been called an amazing lover by countless women, but now he wants a guy's opinion. He propositions Lance, but Lance isn't too enthused by the idea. Justin, on a mission to prove that he can be a sex god to women and men, tries to convince Lance to get freaky with him. Hijinks ensue.
*What's to squee about: Justin having to work for it, for once. Lance being coy and playing hard to get. Lambs sexing.


(60)* Pairing : Chris / Joey or Chris/Joey/Kelly
*Physical location: Joey's house
*Any major plot points: You know all that time when Chris was flying under the radar? What if he was mostly hiding out at Joey's place?
*What's to squee about: CHOEY! and Kelly! poly fic! and giant swiming pools! and long, hot, slow days and music and love!

(61)*Pairing: Chris /Joey
*Physical location: During the NSA tour..
*Any major plot points: For some weird reason -your choice- JC, Justin and Lance turn into babies. Joey and Chris have to take care of them until they turn back. They fall in love.
*What's to squee about: Daddy!Chris and Daddy!Joey :)

(62)*Pairing: Chris/Joey
*Physical location: On Tour, Celebrity era.
*Any major plot points: Joey is not feeling well, Chris nurses him to health.
*What's to squee about: Chris being all mother-hen like ;) Claimed by musiclover03


(63)*Pairing: Choey & JuC
*Physical location: AU/Present
*Any major plot points: The guys mysterious switch souls/bodies and has to live as the other guy for a selected period of time. Joey and Chris swap while JC and Justin swap. Lance is there for moral support and help with both couples.
*What's to squee about: an interesting and challenging prompt. What would you do if you swapped bodies somehow with your friend?


(64)*Pairing: Justin/Joey
*Physical location: not going to be picky, the idea could be done with another universe or reality.
*Any major plot points: Justin's had a crush on Joey since he was 16 years old. Joey's been telling Justin that he's too young for him, even after Justin turns 18, 19 and 20 - Joey still says he's too young. Justin has finally had enough and is ready to show Joey that he's not too young.
*What's to squee about: stubborn Justin *and* Joey, hopefully with a happy ending. ;)


(65)*Pairing: Joey/Justin (and any other pairings which happen to fit the story)
*Physical location: Orlando/recording studio
*Any major plot points: Reunion story, please, which starts off spiky and awkward, with as much angst as you like, but with Joey's good nature and enthusism being key to smoothing everything over and getting the others back on track and the album finished.
*What's to squee about: Goofy Joey! Perfectionist Justin! Angst and ultimate happiness! Claimed by iconis


(66)*Pairing: NSync GSF
*Physical location: Who cares? It's GSF
*Any major plot points: the group celebrates getting back together by, well, getting together
*What's to squee about: Dude, it's GSF. Plus the guys back together.

(67)*Pairing: Nsync friendship or gsf
*Physical location: Any time.
*Any major plot points: Nsync are asked to take part in the show Fear Factor. Think Justin having to eat worms, JC in a tank with eels around his head, Chris having to walk a trip wire. I want to see all that and how they band together to get the show done.
*What's to squee about: The bond between all five, the way they help each other do each task.

(68)*Pairing: JC/Lance/Justin
*Physical location: the beach (can be on the beach, a house near the beach, whatever)
*Any major plot points: I'd love them to get drunk, or at least tipsy
*What's to squee about: that JC giggles like a girl when you tickle him.

(69)*Pairing: *NSYNC GSF
*Physical location: someone's house in Orlando, or a hotel suite
*Any major plot points: Um, gleeful GSF.
*What's to squee about: Duh, gleeful GSF.

(70)*Pairing: Chris/Lance/JC
*Physical location: Airplane (particularly the bathroom)
*Any major plot points: Why Chris' knees were wet in that photo on the plane where he's asleep with the guitar? It's obviously happened in the toilets with Lance and JC. Um. Probably not much 'plot' as such, but working out the logistics of positioning (without somebody ending up actually *in* the toilet). But there's not really much plot to that. Except that they're attempting to stop Chris' fear of flying *g*
*What's to squee about: How hot and funny and hot would it be? Guh.

(71)*Pairing: Lance, Chris, Joey
*Physical location: - whatever, whenever
*Any major plot points: 'My boyfriend told me I should be more affectionate. So I got two boyfriends.'
*What's to squee about: Threesome!

(72)*Pairing: JC/Justin and Joey/Lance, maybe? Or Chris/Lance, although they pretend to hate each other first? Or Joey/Lance/Chris, because threesomes are always good.
*Physical location: Behind the scenes of On The Line universe
*Any major plot points: Based on this. Joey & Lance = movie stars, Chris = hairdresser, Justin = makeup artist, and JC = ?. Whatever you think could happen in that universe.
*What's to squee about: Much gayness, snark, possible threesomes etc.

(73)*Pairing: 3some- SuperTrickC
*Physical location: Present
*Any major plot points:JC is a laid back kinda guy who hardly ever gets angry and his songs are always flowery and whatnot (build my world kinda)--despite the fact that he's had bad luck and been hurt badly in relationships. JC gets writer's block while working on his current album. Chris and Joey invite JC to partake of sexual relations that will let that anger out and help with his wellbeing and his songwriting. He goes on to write songs like "You Ruined Me"-and which revamps his career into a #1 song/album/ Grammy territory.
*What's to squee about: SuperTrickC and JC getting the love care and respect he deserves :)

(74)*Pairing: Threemanbus
*Physical location: I want to see them tour, so No Strings, Celebrity or a tour in the future.
*Any major plot points: I love bus based stories, the interaction between them all. I want to see how Chris, JC and Justin spend the long hours travelling.
*What's to squee about: Threemanbus love! Claimed by silveryscrape

(75)*Pairing: Any combination(s) of JC, Justin and Lance, plus others if you want. GSF, even.
*Physical location: on tour, preferably
*Any major plot points: Joey and Chris playing matchmakers. Victims unsuspecting and unwilling at first.
*What's to squee about: Situation comedy, puzzlement, evil plans etc.



(76) I'd LOVE to read a story where Howie's drunk. I mean his sense of humor is so "bad" in the first place..could you imagine him drunk! *hugs the howie*

(77)*Pairing: AJ & any Boy
*Physical location: Tour bus (any era)
*Any major plot points: First time sex w/a guy.
*What's to squee about: Happy, satisfied AJ.


(78)*Pairing: Nick/?
*Physical location: an AU island, with boat, past, present, or future.
*Any major plot points: in which Nick is competant and knows stuff and is happy, even if they are ship-wrecked / the sole survivors of some bizare event that wiped out Florida / sustainance fishermen, etc.
*What's to squee about: Nick! on a boat! being smart!

(79)*Pairing: AJ / ?
*Physical location: n/a
*Any major plot points: AJ has wings. Has always had wings, develops wings, wakes up with omgwtfbbq wings - whatever.
*What's to squee about: dude! AJ with wings? What's not to squee about! Claimed by frigglesch


(80)*Pairing: Howie/Nick.
*Physical location: Never Gone tour
*Any major plot points: Scavenger hunt! Nick gets a list of things he has to collect/do (someone else could get a list as well, or all of them - you decide) before a certain deadline. What he has to collect could be things like a pair of Brian's boxers, Marcus' shaving cream, etc, but I'm leaving that wide open. But one of the things on his list is that he has to get a picture of Howie in a very compromising position. What kind of position? And how will he do that?
*What's to squee about: Nick trying to get his list done in time and everyone, aside from Howie probably, being thoroughly amused by the whole thing.


(81)*Pairing: Howie/Nick
*Physical location: anywhere and anywhen is good.
*Any major plot points: is not making Nick stupid or Howie girlie a major plot point? lol. Howie's an equestrian, Nick works in the stables by choice.
*What's to squee about: beyond the obvious? Boys on horseback! claimed by bubbleforest


(82)*Pairing: Kevin/Howie
*Physical location: the wilds of Kentucky...or somewhere in the wilderness
*Any major plot points: Kevin takes Howie away for a break in his cabin in the woods. They do outdoorsy stuff like fishing, hiking and camping, which Howie isn't really good at, but it's Kevin's world, and because he's let into Kevin's world, he's happy just to be with Kevin.
*What's to squee about: Kevin and Howie have been widely acknowledged as Papa and Mama Backstreet respectively, and with good reason. Think of it as a chance for the 'parents' to get rid of the kids for a while, and for them to get a lot closer. *g* Claimed by mysoulunfolding

(83)*Pairing: Howie/Kevin
*Physical location: Howie in his home; Kevin in his (after Kevin has left the group)
*Any major plot points: Howie and Kevin have to decide whether or not to try to continue being together now that they are on divergent paths.
*What's to squee about: Howie and Kevin being all mature; phone dialogue; Long distance relationships.


(84)*Pairing: Kevin/Howie (and any other Backstreet pairing you want)
*Physical location: During Backstreet's hiatus
*Any major plot points: The real reason for Backstreet's hiatus was that Nick, AJ, and Brian suddenly turned into cats
*What's to squee about: Boys as cats! Kevin and Howie trying to cope with unruly cats and finding each other!!


(85)*Pairing: Howie/AJ
*Physical location: AJ's home in California
*Any major plot points: AJ wants (and needs) to make new memories; Howie helps him to do so.
*What's to squee about: Howie and AJ, of course; Howie and AJ doing "normal things" together.

(86)*Pairing: Howie/AJ
*Physical location: a tropical beach
*Any major plot points: My two favorite sparkly boys taking chances on a deserted beach
*What's to squee about: Dark Golden Latin Hotness.

(87)*Pairing: AJ/Howie
*Physical location: LA, current time
*Any major plot points: Howie is stressed from trying to deal with AJ, Nick, and Brian's pranks with out Kevin by his side. AJ decides to ligthen up and give Howie some much needed TLC.
*What's to squee about: It's BACKSTREEEEET! ANd Howie and AJ!? The latino love is sexiness!!

(88)*Pairing: AJ/Howie
*Physical location: LA
*Any major plot points: Apparently AJ's new house is located a few miles away from Howie's home in LA. So, with that in mind, Howie's helping AJ move into his new house. Hilarity ensues. *g*
*What's to squee about: AJ and Howie have such a history with each other, bumping into each other in the audition circuit before the Backstreet days, so they'd be very comfortable with each other and tell each other everything. Plus, you know, it's AJ and Howie! They're cute and pocketsized, and the sex would be hot.


(89)*Pairing: AJ/Brian
*Physical location: Brian's house, current
*Any major plot points: Brian just put in a water slide for Baylee and a sauna for Leighann. He invites AJ over to check them out.
*What's to squee about: Wet Boys! Steamy Boys! BOYS!


(90)*Pairing: AJ/Brian.
*Physical location: LA
*Any major plot points: AU. Big shot photographer, AJ, and his assistant, Brian. Who maybe sometimes, between big-money photoshoots, inspires AJ enough that he'll secretly snap pictures of Brian pouring coffee or that certain way he has of running a hand through his hair when he's stressed out.
*What's to squee about: Photography! Brian being a cute assistant! AJ perhaps being a touch jaded and self-centered, but finding something endearing that he'd forgotten a long time ago about this new guy


(91)*Pairing: Brian/Nick. Or plain old gen is fine, too.
*Physical location: Brian's house, sometime in '05.
*Any major plot points: Leighanne has to go out for the day, so Brian has to take care of Baylee. Of course Brian calls Nick up so they can babysit together. Chaos and cuteness ensues.
*What's to squee about: Cute boys babysitting! And kids!


(92)*Pairing: AJ/Kevin.
*Physical location: Italy, in the time of Michelango.
*Any major plot points: AJ's a poor peasant boy, who goes to Rome to find better fortune. Of course he has no luck at all with that until Kevin the sculptor finds him one day and offers to take AJ in on the condition that he'll model for Kevin's next piece.
*What's to squee about: Possible sexual tension up the wazoo! And Italy, and art, and possibly some sexing. And casting all the other sparkly boys as supporting characters.


(93)*Pairing: Kevin and AJ
*Physical location: Kevin's log in Kentucky
*Any major plot points: Mmmmm Kevin chopping wood...shirtless *drools*
*What's to squee about: Kevin! AJ! nakedness

(94)*Pairing: Kevin/AJ leading to GSF
*Physical location: tropical island
*Any major plot points: they everything they need in the world on their own island, 'cept the other Boys
*What's to squee about: reunion GSF, sorta.


(95)*Pairing: Kevin/any of the other Boys or GSF
*Physical location: At the end of the next tour
*Any major plot points: The Boys onstage sometime at the end of the next tour, Kevin suprises them, instead of just one song they sing many, what happens afterwards? does Kevin begin to reconsider? is it just a one-time thing?
*What's to squee about: Kevin back to gether with his Boys!!!

(96)*Pairing: Nick/Brian/AJ
*Physical location: Germany, around when Brian's about to get married
*Any major plot points: Brian's wedding day is approaching and he isn't sure if he's ready to give up what he has with Nick and AJ just for the sake of an "image." Nick and AJ make sure Brian knows that they are never going to lose them with some good ol' lovin'!
*What's to squee about: Backstreet 3some. Brian sandwich, YUM! Cuddles and love!

(97)*Pairing: 4some or GSF
*Physical location: After the Never Gone CD release party in a hotel
*Any major plot points: Howie's drunk, Kevin's tipsy, and AJ's ready to play. Nick is easy enough to persuade and if Nick's in so is Brian isn't he? Right? Can AJ get the whole group to participate in a "celebration"?
*What's to squee about: Backstreet GSF. Drunk Howie! Tipsy Kevin! C'mon, what hilariousness is there not to squee about?


(98)*Pairing: AJ/Joey
*Physical location: present day or pre-hiatus
*Any major plot points: enjoying a new piercing on either or both of them
*What's to squee about: AJ, Joey, and piercing!

(99)*Pairing: Joey/Brian. It would make me really happy to have Kelly and Leighanne in there too, or at least still around in the background.
*Physical location: real world, current day or near future.
*Any major plot points: I'm so, so easy, as long as there's no bashing of the wives. A happy poly set-up would be my ideal, but basically, so long as Joey and Brian are happy, and there's sex, I will be delerious.
*What's to squee about: Joey! And Brian! I can't imagine two people who would be better characters for a happy story challenge.

(100)*Pairing: AJ/Chris/Joey/Lance
*Physical location: either real life or AU
*Any major plot points: a private online chat between the four of them with flirting and real life issues
*What's to squee about: smart, sexy boys using computers!

(101)*Pairing: Chris/Joey/Howie
*Physical location:The present...
*Any major plot points:Joey and Chris convince Howie of gettig a Tattoo. Of course the argument has to do with sex!
*What's to squee about: The Threesome of course, and Howie tattooed. :D

(102)*Pairing:Chris/Nick Carter
*Physical location: any
*Any major plot points: discussion of tattoos, piercings, and the pain/thrill of getting a new one
*What's to squee about: Um, it would be hot. ;-)

(103)*Pairing: Lance/Kevin
*Physical location: doesn't matter
*Any major plot points: Lance has come out and Kevin has left Backstreet. They're making plans for a future together
*What's to squee about: Lance & Kevin together!!! Never enough of that! :D

(104)*Pairing: Lance /Nick
*Physical location: wherever
*Any major plot points: Lance and Nick adopt a baby and made their own little family
*What's to squee about: um, Lance, Nick & a baby!

(105)*Pairing: Lance/Nick
*Physical location: anywhere
*Any major plot points: Nick's relationships with women have been disastrous to say the least, so he tries something new.
*What's to squee about: Pretty boys!

(106)*Pairing: Lance/Nick
*Physical location: Future fic
*Any major plot points: Nick is raising kid(s) alone after a high-profile divorce, Lane is raising adopted kid(s) alone after a high profile gay divorce. They start out trading single parenting tips and end up with a high-profile blended family. Because neither of them knows how to do anything without media attention anymore.
*What's to squee about: Sparkly Brady bunch! Kidfic! Lance and Nick being all sexy together! Claimed by msktrnanny

(107)*Pairing: Lance/AJ
*Physical location: Los Angeles
*Any major plot points: Lance is a mess after his breakup with Reichen and AJ is there to pick up the pieces
*What's to squee about: Hurt/comfort, plus its AJ and Lance! :D

(108)*Pairing: Lance/AJ
*Physical location: A Backstreet Boys interview
*Any major plot points: A rude interviewer asks if they have a gay one and Nick sarcastically outs AJ as Lance's boyfriend. It gets taken seriously. Lance and AJ end up together.
*What's to squee about: Lance and AJ! Claimed by sperrywink

(109)*Pairing: Kevin/Chris
*Physical location: Present Time.
*Any major plot points: As a favor to Howie, Chris goes to convince Kevin to go back to Backstreet. In the process, Kevin helps Chris to get *N Sync back together. They end up with each other too.
*What's to squee about: Reunion fic for both groups :) And two very, very hot men together :)

(110)*Pairing: Chris/Kevin. It makes sense. Really it does!
*Physical location: Euro days
*Any major plot points: Not major as such, but I'd love to see Chris watching Kevin playing piano. There could be bitching and Kevin would be scowling, ignoring Chris who's hanging around and watching him play. Then he'd get closer and they'd have this uneasy truce and then they'd have sex! The end.
*What's to squee about: Chris and Kevin! So much pretty in one place.

(111)*Pairing: Kevin/Chris (There can be other pairings too)
*Physical location:Euro-era
*Any major plot points: Nick and Justin decide that the best way to make the whole Transcon-wants-the-groups-to-be-at-odds-to-each-other is if Kevin and Chris get together. Hi-jinks ensue. Sorta like the Parent-trap.
*What's to squee about: Oh, come on! Everyone loves the parent trap. And Nick and Justin plotting and making plans. Euro Era! Chris's braids and braces! Need I say more?

*Physical location: um. Someplace warm, sunny and fairly private.
*Any major plot points: Nick decides to take Chris off someplace to "celebrate" that Chris' reality show is done taping. I'm picturing someplace private enough that they don't have anyone (family or friends) bothering them and they can soak up the sun and just be together.
*What's to squee about: Chris and Nick! Claimed by poetrychik

(113)*Pairing: Justin/Kevin
*Physical location: anywhere
*Any major plot points: Kevin flying, Justin head over heels in love.
*What's to squee about: It's Justin and Kevin, that's the definition of glee.

*Physical location: near future, california or florida.
*Any major plot points: JC and Nick have been dating on and off for awhile. They've also been dating other people too. They finally decide to make things exclusive between them and settle down, then Nick finds out that one of his on again/off again girlfriends is pregnant - with JC's child. (happy ending please, don't make it an angst-fest)
*What's to squee about: Nick, JC with a baby on the way. Claimed by audreysrev

(115)*Pairing: JC/Nick (or anything really, I'm not picky)
*Physical location: somewhere warm and sunny
*Any major plot points: I was encouraged, so. Happy fisting!
*What's to squee about: Happy fisting is kind of self-explanatory. *g* And really, gorgeous, sweaty men doing porny things is always happy, right?

(116)*Pairing: Nick/Chris/JC
*Physical location: random hotel room
*Any major plot points: end of tour exhaustion, reconnection though hard fucking.
*What's to squee about: Um. The hard fucking.

(117)*Pairing: GSF (Nsync, or Nsync + some/all of Backstreet).
*Physical location: 2000 or later. Sparkly boys on holiday, location not important but featuring some or all of: water (shower, bath, swimming pool or hot tub), a massage or two (even a manicure, if you really wanted to spoil me), someone cooking and eating food (bonus points for barbecue and finger licking), someone getting dressed up for the evening (mmm...tuxedo), tattoos, five-part harmony...
*Any major plot points: Warm, lazy, snuggly sex, not an AU. Those are plot points, right?
*What's to squee about: Well, I'm squeeing about the shameless number of kinks I've crammed into this request.

(118)*Pairing: JC & AJ (Yup, it had to be them *.*)
*Physical location: Present time
*Any major plot points: JC's album releasing party, preferably after it. Some singing would do as well.
*What's to squee about: Fulfilled, utterly sexy letter boys!

(119)*Pairing: AJ/JC
*Physical location: in the future where they're living together in a house
*Any major plot points: They have no more space in either of their closets, so JC makes them both clear our the stuff they don't want anymore to give to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.
*What's to squee about: With these two, can you just imagine the clothes they have stashed in the back of their closets?! And they'd both get distracted with trying on each other's stuff and stealing from each other's 'discard' pile to appropriate into their own closet. Letterboys + clothes = CRACK Claimed by otherdeb

(120)*Pairing: Chris/Howie.
*Physical location: Somewhere after hiatus started.
*Any major plot points: You know how Chris dissapeared from the media when hiatus started? He went to Howie's house, depressed over everything. Howie made it all better, and then Chris decided to stay.
*What's to squee about: Howie making Chris feel all better.

(121)*Pairing: Howie/Chris
*Physical location: one of their homes
*Any major plot points: Howie and Chris are preparing their first major holiday meal, and have to get their moms to be comfortable with each other and the situation
*What's to squee about: Howie and Chris; holiday goodness; their interactions with both their moms and each other's moms.

(122)*Pairing: Howie/Joey
*Physical location: one of their homes
*Any major plot points: Howie and Joey are talking, and getting intimate just happens.
*What's to squee about: The two "laid back" ones getting all hot and bothered!


(123)*Pairing: GSF (~~Synced-Street~~)
*Physical location: Pick museum or make up one.
*Any major plot points: Chris/Justin, Lance/JC, AJ/Howie are unofficial couples. Some of the guys are painters, the others are models, one is a rich guy appraising stuff, and one of them is the janitor.
*What's to squee about: Sex and paint. Nuff said. :D

(124)*Pairing: A story featuring all of BSB and Nsync
*Physical location: Space. Think a spacestation in the future.
*Any major plot points: I'd love to see an AU set in space. Think a bustling space port or a city where you travel by rocket or transporter beam. Either bright and vibrant, sterile and white, dirty and moody. Let your imagination free. Any parings but all the guys should feature in some way.
*What's to squee about: BSB and Nsync together, doing space things.

(125)*Pairing: Nsync and Backstreet Boys
*Physical location: America's Next Top Model AU (I can't be the only one obsessed with that show)
*Any major plot points: Justin being the super serious one trying to win to support his mama, Chris and Brian goofing off but miraculously getting perfect shots, AJ breaking all the rules but charming the pants off the judges, Nick getting shit about his 'solidness'. Not to mention the pre-makeover/post-makeover drama.
*What's to squee about: Come on! Who would win in a reality modelling competition? Thats comedy gold right there.

(126)*Pairing: AU GSF
*Physical location: onna buss!
*Any major plot points: some combo of the people who are in the current reality in BSB/Nsync are, in *this* reality, an alt/punk/rock/goth/metal/emo/ band. On tour. Stuff happens. And then they have sex. (possibly the others + the girls + anyone else that takes your fancy are in another band, or they're the support crew, or they're journalists or - whatever - I love sprawling 'the gang's all here' AU's)
*What's to squee about: gsf! onna bus! boys in eyeliner! fun with alternate group dynamics!

(127)*Pairing: GSF (BSB and Syncers and AARON, of course)
*Physical location: a house
*Any major plot points: they all live together (AU, I think)
*What's to squee about: all of them living together as a dysfunctional but very happy family = happiness

(128)*Pairing: Brian/JC
*Physical location: A school somewhere.
*Any major plot points: Teacher AU! I suppose both of them could be Music teachers, or one of them could be and the other is something else, but I'll leave that up to the writer. Brian's just been hired and JC immediately notices him in the teacher's lounge.
*What's to squee about: These two talking about music. Or playing music together. And teaching kids! (Again, casting the other sparkly boys could be fun, too!)

(129)*Pairing: Lance/Any BSB(s) and/or Nsyncer(s)
*Physical location: Outer Space, any futuristic reality you'd like
*Any major plot points: Captain Bass and his crew encounter a new alien lifeform, with sexirific results for Lance and an alien boybander.
*What's to squee about: Sexy aliens, what's not to love? Is it JC the alien love-slave, or Kevin the alien warlord who demands the submission of Captain Bass, or Space Pirate Kirkpatrick who takes him captive? You decide!

(130)*Pairing: Lance/Nick
*Physical location: food network
*Any major plot points: Lance and Nick have shows on Food Network. Nick hosts and writes Food on the Fly and Lance is a food artist, working in any and all mediums. They're shows are the new kids on the block and a bit of rivals.
*What's to squee about: Nick and Lance with food! and squabbling back and forth about who has better ratings, guests, food etc.

(131)*Pairing: AJ/JC
*Physical location: college!AU!
*Any major plot points: All of *NSYNC and Backstreet are in the college!AU, and somewhere along the way AJ and JC get together, because, YES. Other than that, go for it.
*What's to squee about: College boys having sex with each other, what's not to love?

(132)*Pairing: Howie/Chris
*Physical location: Victorian era (wouldn't you like that?)
*Any major plot points: Well, I have never ever read one fic where one of the guys paints for a living. I would love to see either Chris or Howie as an important painter (like Waterhouse or Dante Gabriel Rosseti). The other one could be his model and his muse :D
*What's to squee about:Howie and Chris dressed on a vitorian outfit. Sexy, sexy... I'm telling you. It would be freaking sexy.


(133)*Pairing: Bassenbaum
*Physical location: Probably LA, but... ..'03-'04, or current...
*Any major plot points: Lance & Jesse schmoop. Perhaps they get back together after Reichen now that Lance is out, or a story of "back in the day." Perhaps a story of the other guys discovering Jesse is Lance's partner?
*What's to squee about: Dude, Jesse is hot, ears and all! Claimed by pensnest

(134)*Pairing: Lance/Drew Lachey
*Physical location: party after the MTV music awards
*Any major plot points: Drew telling Lance he's not as innocent as he looks... ;)
*What's to squee about: Drew & Lance! another rare pairing! :D Claimed by bellamyrose

(135)*Pairing: Chris/Jeff Timmons
*Physical location: Chris' house while the VH1 show was filming
*Any major plot points: trying to find hot places to talk, kiss, make out and/or have sex while avoiding the filming cameras.
*What's to squee about: Chris+Jeff=HOT! and there isn't enough of it.

(136)*Pairing: Lance/Reichen
*Physical location: Anywhere cold all year round.
*Any major plot points: Lance has moved to a new state/city because of a recent breakup (Chris - cause I'm evil). At first, he hates Reichen and has a fling with someone else in town, but gradually comes to like him. After a hard day of learning to ski, he and Reichen have a nice dinner date. Bonus points if it's Christmas!
*What's to squee about: Lance and his cute snow hats!

(136)*Pairing: Britney/K-Fed, Justin/K-Fed, Justin/Trace (you can choose a main pairing :D)
*Physical location: Lots of different hotels.
*Any major plot points: One of the couples get together/back together. One half of the couple resists commitment and insists on meeting in hotels. When Person1 finally gets their head out of their ass, they invite Person2 who put up with all their bullshit to their house. Where they have lots of fluffy/sappy moments and hot sex. :D
*What's to squee about: Love conquering all! :D

(137)*Pairing: Lance (or Lance + anyone else in Nsync)/Pink
*Physical location: While she supported them on tour.
*Any major plot points: Genderfuckery of some kind, please -- strap-ons, crossdressing, actual genderswitch or gender swap.
*What's to squee about: Lance and Pink! And genderfuck. There needs to be more squee than that? Oh, all right. Pink brings the smart, cool and tough, while Lance brings the dorkiness, lounging and sarcasm, and they both bring flawless skin, unusual beauty, and gorgeous voices. Match made in Heaven! Claimed by neverneverfic

(138)*Pairing: Justin/JC/Lamp
*Physical location: anywhere you want
*Any major plot points: baby!JuC/Lamp is all I'm asking. You know those baby!Justin/Lamp and baby!JC/Lamp pictures rikes posted?
*What's to squee about: Lamp is practically canon! Celebrate it


(139)*Pairing: Chris/Harper, Lance/Tyr, Joey/Bekka, ev. JC/Dylan
*Physical location: aboard the Andromeda Ascendant (yeah, crossover with Andromeda)
*Any major plot points: Chris and Harper bouncing around, Lance and Tyr sniping and snarking and plotting, Joey charming the ladies, JC sparkling all over the place, lots of fun and some action and a happy ending
*What's to squee about: sparkly boys in space!!! snark, bounce, fun, sex!!!

(140)*Pairing: Lance - pairing of any kind is optional
*Physical location: anywhere in time and space!!
*Any major plot points: Lance spends some time as a Companion to the Doctor.
*What's to squee about: Lance! Doctor! Tardis! Space! Yay! Claimed by _ducks

(141)*Pairing: Nsync GSF
*Physical location: in New York during the lawsuit
*Any major plot points: Lou is found murdered and the Syncers are the major suspects, they engage Nero Wolf to find out the truth
*What's to squee about: Nsync in Wolf's office! Banter, snark, and verbal extravaganza! Nsync and Nero Wolf, Nsync and Archie Goodwin!!

(142)*Pairing: JC/Orlando Bloom
*Physical location: present
*Any major plot points: JC and Orlando meet and fall for one another while working on a movie- Orlando as an actor, JC doing the title song or in the movie as a performer.
*What's to squee about: Handsome sexy men in love-highly underrated pairing.

(143)*Pairing: JC Chasez/Pete Wentz
*Physical location: Backstage at the VMA's/VMA after-party
*Any major plot points: Meetcute, possible mutual snarking and then lots of hot, hot sex.
*What's to squee about: Pete's three years older than JC, Pete likes to collect pretty young things and then touch them. Alot.

(144)*Pairing: whatever your OTP is with Jim/Blair on the side, or alternatively, a Jim/Blair/pop three( or more)some
*Physical location: Cascade, Washington
*Any major plot points: one of the bands (or one of the guys solo) is playing in Cascade and, for whatever reason, ends up embroiled with the Major Crimes department. can be either during the height of their popularity or now.
*What's to squee about: a popslash xover with the Sentinel! I've read a number of popslash and sentinel crossovers, but never a popslash/sentinel one, and I think it could be cool
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