This was requested by
rommies_voice - it's my first tutorial, so I hope it helps.
How to create something like this, using PSP7:
Should be manageable for a beginner if you know a bit about PSP, and should be translatable.
Okay, start off by opening a new image (mine was 1024x768), and use the flood fill tool with #FFFFFF to create a white base layer.
stock smoke image I took from - ie, it's not mine and I'm not taking credit for it.
Paste it as a new layer - and see that copyright information at the right? Not nice. Drag the smoke image to the right a bit, and I also moved mine up so it's a bit closer to the top.
You should have something like this, depending on what smoke image you chose to use:
There's a little strip of white at the bottom - that's okay, because the next thing to do is use 'negative image' on that stock smoke, and you should end up with something like this:
With me so far? Good. Let's choose our other images.
I went over to to choose some images from 'Doomsday' for my Doctor/Rose wallpaper. I also used a couple of screencaps from
I prepared all the images in the same way, which was this:
x Duplicate the base image, and desaturate that.
x Duplicate that second layer and adjust brightness/contrast. I used settings something like brightness 26, contrast 19 - but play around, every image is different.
x Duplicate again, and with that third layer go to adjust highlight/midtones/shadow (may be different with other programs). I used settings shadow 11, midtones 49, highlight 100. Again, don't take this as gospel.
Your images should look something like this:
Okay, so I copy-merge that image and paste it onto my main picture. Set it to soft light, and we get something like this:
Take a circle eraser - I used size 145, hardness 0 opacity 100 - and erase the parts of Rose that aren't 'under' the smoke - so all the white edges, the bit of the Doctor you can see, etc. Don't erase all of Rose's head!
Then change the opacity - I went down to about 50 - and very carefully erase the back of Rose's head. In this case, I left her mouth and chin visible, so I got something like this:
Then I basically did the same with the other images. I chose a couple of nice clear shots of Rose and the Doctor for the larger parts at the right, and some of the images I resized as appropriate (about 75% of original size, I believe). I ended up with a lovely wallpaper that looked like this:
Nice - but Rose and the Doctor aren't particularly clear. They're a bit faint. So I duplicated all of those soft light pictures and got this:
See the difference? Again, this stage will depend on your original pictures. You may find some layers don't need to be duplicated, whereas some may need to be duplicated more than once.
Time for some text (on a new layer).
x I used ColdCoffee (found at at 10 point, 660 kerning in a nice grey, something like #202020.
x I used 'drop shadow' offset 3 both vertical and horizontal, opacity 91 and blur 18.5.
x I then set this text layer to opacity 33.
x I duplicated the text layer and set it to screen 100.
And voila!
This is just a guide - doing your own thing is always best.
Comments are love, as is letting me know what you do with it.
x-posted to