Yes, I'm ranting again - can we stop cheering non-inclusion?

Jun 28, 2014 14:56

 I have people wondering at me why I am so annoyed about reviews of How To Train Your Dragon 2, specifically Gobber.

Who is apparently gay. Or so say the writers of the film. The actual film? Apparently we have the line:

“That’s why I never married. Well, that and one other reason.”

Well that’s a totally unambiguous statement right? It’s not like “ ( Read more... )

homophobia, media, gblq issues

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Comments 6

stress_kitten June 28 2014, 20:04:24 UTC
Got to agree wth you here. If that was a gay character that people feel should be celebrated about including, they are completely high. I had heard about it, but missed the fact completely when I watched it, despite being primed for it. Blergh.


sparkindarkness June 29 2014, 14:12:06 UTC
I did the same with Frozen. When you're prepared, expectant, watching like a hawk AND still miss the inclusion? Not inclusive


teleens_journal June 29 2014, 01:44:26 UTC
Ugh, Penny Dreadful. Thanks for encouraging me to look at it another way.

And Da Vinci's Demons... We were pretty disgusted by how they treated Da Vinci's sexuality last season, too, sigh.


sparkindarkness June 29 2014, 14:11:27 UTC
I keep dearly hoping the writers and creators will turn round that interview and say how wrong Reeve is - because that's just a terrible way to ruin what would have been a decent scene

Da Vinci's demons is just flat out bigoted, there's no other word for what they did to a historical gay man


gwyd June 29 2014, 10:42:34 UTC
The "inclusion" in How to Train your Dragon 2 was an ad lib by the actor, BTW.


sparkindarkness June 29 2014, 14:10:37 UTC
That one really annoyed me because I actually had people arguing that it shows how wonderful it is that he's not stereotypical. The only reason he isn't stereotypical is because he's a retconned straight character made "gay" by an ad libbed line that the show runners decided to Word of Gay!


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