So, if you're a straight person who feels the need to say "I hate all public displays of affection..

May 13, 2014 18:44


Really don't, because I'm beyond sick of it

I know, I know, you want to make it clear you're totally not a homophobe and it's not about the same-sex couple you just don't like PDAs - of any kind!

But the ONLY time this gets trotted out, certainly in any large numbers, is when LGBT folk have shown the same public love for each other that ( Read more... )

privilege, homophobia, lgbtq issues, prejudice

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Comments 3

masterde May 13 2014, 20:06:04 UTC
Yeah, I've gotten to the point that I just annoying sigh and roll my eyes when the obligatory het sex scene happens in... well, pretty much every movie. Not every movie but the vast majority anyway. And if it's not the obligatory het sex scene is the obligatory het heavy petting/make out session on the couch, bed, or in the shower ( ... )


stress_kitten May 14 2014, 00:11:11 UTC
I love PDAs... as long as we're not talking full-on extended groping (not talking a quick ass-grab to a consenting adult) and tongue-down-throat action. The world doesn't have enough love in it. I get a special thrill when I see that with a same-sex couple, because it means they feel safe enough to do so, and it is still rare enough, even in Vancouver, to see that outside the West End, which means it is noticed.


meganeko_mausuu May 17 2014, 14:36:37 UTC
The only time I really have a problem with PDA is when it is literally in my way, (like when someone chooses our vehicle to be the one a couple makes out on,) or when I'm feeling grinchy because /I/ haven't been able to get affection in awhile.

Other than that, I tend to embarrass people I'm with, because I'll forget myself and get a bit squeeful about cute romantic PDA. (I tend to sorta blush and go deer-in-headlights from embarrassment when I stumble onto sexy PDA, though...)


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