We're causing natural disasters again

Jan 19, 2014 10:35

UKIP councillor  David Silvester has decided that all the flooding around the UK this year has been caused by… marriage equality. Yes, us gay folk be causing natural disasters again. (UKIP again comes forth with the excuse that though they don’t support equality and their elected members are rabid bigots who they happily embrace that totally doesn ( Read more... )

gbltq issues, politics, homophobia, religion

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Comments 7

teleens_journal January 19 2014, 15:21:35 UTC
Well said. Thanks for writing. (reposted)


spinsterwithin January 19 2014, 16:38:09 UTC
Thanks for this, I have wondered for sometime about why people worship a deity if they actually believe half the things they say about that deity. I recently had an Aunt who died of lung cancer, all in all her life was pretty difficult. Her husband, twin daughters, and grandson all suffered and died from a degenerative genetic disease. For about ten years she watched her daughters slowly get worse and worse in a nursing home until they both died at around 40 years old. She herself suffered with major depression. Anyway when she passed away I kept hearing about how it was all in "God's plan" and other phrases like that. What kind of God would plan for someone to have that kind of life and if they actually believed this why do they worship him?

I don't get it.


stress_kitten January 19 2014, 17:36:07 UTC
That I get... sometimes, you have to believe there's something out there and that your suffering will result in a greater good for you or for others. Otherwise, there really is no point in continuing. I don't know that I'd want to remove that sense of purpose/hope from someone. Their lives are already so brutal. What I don't get are people who have reasonably comfortable lives who... I don't know? Use it to justify their sense of superiority at how their lives are going? Use it to drown out their empathy towards other humans? Do what people who believe half the crap on the internet do and cherry pick their information to get the results they want?


stress_kitten January 19 2014, 17:28:18 UTC
Totally agree with you. My MiL and I (she was an amazing woman, and it was always strange to me that she was Christian... I know she struggled with it at times) had several conversations about that.

I flat out refuse to believe in a God who would turn away from Love like that, who would impose such a strange, arbitrary set of rule and then leave it up to humans to interpret and enforce them, and who would punish people for a lack of faith in human beings (because, seriously... you look at the history of the Bible and with the translations and the conclaves to decide what was included, you're never going to convince me that God reached down into the minds of the powerful and made sure what HE wanted was included above what was convenient for the powerful making the decisions...).

I will choose Love every time.


tattooofhername January 19 2014, 21:27:56 UTC
Wait, it's gay marriage that does this? So, I can get my tits out without having to worry that I'm about to accidentally drown people?


theweaselking January 20 2014, 14:31:22 UTC
Seen on twitter: "California has too many Drought Gays and the UK has too many Flood Gays. Maybe we could swap for a while?"


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