Other Amendments to Marriage Equality

May 20, 2013 14:04

Beyond those 3 that are attracting a whole lot of attention and are designed to destroy the bill entirely, there are a number of other, more genuine, amendments as well, some of which are worth commenting on
 Religious freak outs. We have a whole load of amendments that say, basically, the churches need protecting from the icky icky gay folk. ( Read more... )

gbltq issues, marriage equality, british politics, human rights

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Comments 1

mel_redcap May 21 2013, 10:50:46 UTC
...Y'know, I'd think that "my partner is trans and didn't tell me and I am squicked by that" would count as "irreconcilable differences", y'know? Already a perfectly good reason for divorce, doesn't need its own clause.

I'd also think that "my partner has changed something about him/herself" should have the default condition of not ending the marriage, because hey! there are a lot of things people choose to change about themselves during their lives. If the law says that one particular change (transitioning) automatically ends the marriage unless the other partner is cool with it, why not other changes? Vasectomies. Cosmetic surgery. Tattoos. They all upset some people! Let's protect those people from having to stay in a marriage after their partner changes! Heck, let's throw some involuntary changes in there. Male pattern baldness! Menopause! Senility! Hair in embarrassing places! Yes, allowing one exit clause opens the way for so many others, and before you know it developing acne will dissolve your marriage! That law is a threat ( ... )


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