Too Tired Too Cook, Too Afraid to Let Beloved Cook

Mar 26, 2013 13:31

Being under the weather I couldn’t face cooking - odd I’m not nauseous or not hungry, but I am hellaciously exhausted.

Which is a problem - because there’s WANTING to eat, yet not being able to cook and facing… Beloved’s offer to cook instead.

There follows the sudden moment when I desperately try to think of what is in the freezer - surely ( Read more... )

beloved, food nomnomnom, random silliness

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Comments 5

seryan March 26 2013, 19:03:57 UTC
Maybe the elves exchange the brie for the stilton at night? That doesn't mean you should go look: it's probably like the story of the shoemaker and the elves, where if you acknowledge what they're doing they'll stop. Then you'll have all stilton and no more random brie.

Of course, it could just be lurking, as you say. If you don't open it you'll never know. Schröedinger's Cheese...


being_here March 26 2013, 19:41:29 UTC
It could be brieding?


(I'll just go over here and hide now :S)


teleens_journal March 27 2013, 05:29:13 UTC
All I can think of now is the episode of "Chef" when he was running around the country looking for unpasteurized Stilton.



meganeko_mausuu March 28 2013, 06:23:02 UTC what kind of cheese did you end up having?


eandh99 March 30 2013, 00:55:29 UTC
throw the stilton out before it develops sentience and enslaves the brie to take over and control your refrigerator - stilon's nasty at the best of times.


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