Random stuffness

Apr 09, 2012 13:18

So another holiday in which I largely avoided family (well, there was an awkward awkward dinner involving Beloved’s parents, a sadly overcooked piece of lamb and all the pre-bought things that I normally shun. But I was polite and they were polite and it was such a very polite affair. Like the kind of dinner one would expect to have if, say, you ( Read more... )

state of me, beloved, family

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Comments 8

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gwyd April 12 2012, 08:39:52 UTC
Do not suggest playing around with a morning star. I knew some guys who kept ending up in the hospital after they purchased one.


aviv_b April 9 2012, 15:53:58 UTC
As long as your family doesn't except you for who you are, you will be in the default 'bad kid' position, and isn't it lovely of your sibling to tell you so. I applaud you for avoiding the whole family holiday obligation thing. I did for many years. It's only now that my parents are too old and too sick to worry about my many, many faults that I can actually spend time with them without being subjected to a litany of disappontments, passive-agressive criticisms, etc.

As an adult you can create your own family - the people you hold dear, that care about you and support you whether they are related by blood or not. They are the people you gather close when times are tough, who you can talk to without reservation. I'm guessing that few if any of your blood relatives fall into that category.

Now as for Beloved....perhaps he'd like to take up something less destructive - maybe scrapbooking. Just don't let him have a glue gun!!


teleens_journal April 9 2012, 20:28:12 UTC
I'm so sorry that you have to deal with comments like that from your brother specifically and your family in general.

*many hugs*

Beloved sounds rather like me - I got into beading a while ago and still have thousands of beads that will never be used, LOL.


neurotic_rat April 10 2012, 06:05:06 UTC
If my brother, or any of my family in particular, said something equivalent to that, I would just... cut them off, and not speak with them. I can't imagine how you put up with your own family that does that to you. It just isn't healthy at all, by the sound of it.

On Beloved: I sometimes wish I didn't have a Fine Art brain, but I have to say it... Your Beloved has become a crazy artist, judging by the description of whatever the heck he built. I wish I could see pictures, so that can give some wacky-artsy, 'I think it represents---' interpretation of it now. Haven't done that for years.


meganeko_mausuu April 10 2012, 08:10:08 UTC
I'm sorry that your brother is an ass. And I can completely understand cutting off your family for being that way.

Meanwhile, what do you plan to do with all the woodworking stuff Beloved bought?


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