Enough AGAIN, why are people still justifying slurs?

Feb 20, 2012 00:33

Roland Martin tweeted some homophobic bullshit ( Read more... )

gbltq issues, homophobia, rants

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Comments 20

paulnolan February 20 2012, 01:51:32 UTC
I missed what was said in this case... I haven't been on Twitter much recently. Any links handy?

OT, but related in the vein of clueless straight people: have you seen this? (was reminded as apparently the author's getting all defensive and 'splainy over on Fetlife about it, according to the lovely kittymink)


sparkindarkness February 20 2012, 01:59:28 UTC
Here's a linky http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/14/roland-martin-glaad-cnn-tweets_n_1277419.html there you go with Roland Martin



paulnolan February 20 2012, 03:35:12 UTC
Ah that... I vaguely recall reading something about it, but not much in the way of details, and thankfully missed the people defending him. Urgh... 8|


sparkindarkness February 20 2012, 02:04:20 UTC
Seriously - this woman is writing a book called "girlfag" REALLY? And the subject matter? Ye gods could it be more fetishised crap.

Gah, I'm not going to deal with this, I'll end up going to bed angry

too late, choking with rage. So many stereotypes, so much fetishisation in a very creepy stalkery way, policing gay sexuality with an added bonus of them throwing around as fucking slur that doesn't apply to them.


masterde February 20 2012, 02:08:17 UTC
But don't you see... straight people do need to tell us what is and isn't homophobic and how to respond to it when it is! If we do not have the vast knowledge of Heteronomia we would have no idea how to react. Don't you see the levels of homophobia. Clearly his comment on Twitter was clearly a minor offense. So we shouldn't get upset at it. That's just silly and alarmist of us. Queerbashing... also clearly a minor offense. All praise Heteronomia! Thank the gods they are there to guide us when we're attacked so to we don't one day decide that we've had enough and start petitions and march for equal rights and other silly, useless political moves. We take up weapons next. Just walk into a coffee shop and wave a gun around and split the room into gay and straight and blow off the heads of the straight people. Yes, terrorism is effective. Have we learned nothing from the past decade?


sparkindarkness February 20 2012, 14:23:57 UTC
Clearly we just cannot be trusted to act without straight guidance! Where would we be without it? And silly u worrying about incitement to violence

See, the slippery slope of us getting upset!


stress_kitten February 20 2012, 02:35:28 UTC
Um... people are trying to say that wasn't homophobic? Seriously?

I'm assuming they were arguing the "just the culture, didn't really mean it" line... because that's the only way I can think of to possibly even TRY and defend that statement.

Ugh... sorry you have to continue to deal with this crap, Sparky. I can only hope that we will continue to move towards a more universal tolerance.


sparkindarkness February 20 2012, 14:24:35 UTC
I thought it was a text book example tbh, but apparently not. Makes me wonder what would count as homophobic to these people


neurotic_rat February 20 2012, 04:54:59 UTC
I can't even... *sigh*
First the comment in calling a Chinese-American basketball player a 'chink' and blaming him for the team losing (from a 'reputable' Sports Channel, no less), now THIS?
Though, not surprised to hear about how people dismiss and tell us minorities about what we feel and know are all just our 'imagination.' And we need to take a chill pill.

Pardon my language, but FUCK this FISH I mean, SHIT.


sparkindarkness February 20 2012, 14:32:17 UTC
ugh and this followed a large amount of racist shock that *gasp* he could play the game! SHOCK SHOCK!

Yeah, break out the fish, reason doesn't seem to be working


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sparkindarkness February 20 2012, 14:59:28 UTC
But if everything stupid burns think of global warming! the fires could consume whole continents. At least we'll be warm

I can't believe that anyone bought that excuse. In fact I don't believe it. Anyone claiming they do is just grasping at straws to excuse homophobia however they can

Humour is such a tired excuse, it's oversed and it didn't work in the beginning either


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sparkindarkness February 20 2012, 22:44:52 UTC
Always nice to see people get slowly educated. It's sad it needs doing but it's so nice to actually keep pushing it


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