Random me stuff

Sep 12, 2011 16:02

So my body and brain are sitting down and Having Words with me about this no sleep thing. As a life-long insomniac and someone who fills his days far too damn full, and a night owl by preference, I'm usually pretty good at operating without much sleep. I often potter around in a state of "damn I could use a nap".Which is kind of how I worked, I was ( Read more... )

state of me, beloved, work, random silliness, family

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Comments 16

teleens_journal September 12 2011, 16:25:29 UTC
Regarding sleep - please, for your sake, get some. The more I read about the horrors of sleep deprivation (it can shorten your life more than Treacle Duff, :(), the more I worry about anyone who doesn't get enough.

Sleep (or rather, time with no light, either natural or artificial) is absolutely vital for Melatonin production and sleeplessness can actually be worse than alcohol for making one dangerous behind the wheel of a car, :(.

If sleeping more at night isn't an option, is there anyplace at work where you could get a nap? (Given what you've written before, I realize that the answer to this question is probably not, but I'm honestly worried.)

Sleep is one of the most important things we can do to keep ourselves healthy and I worry for anyone who consistently doesn't get enough.



sparkindarkness September 13 2011, 12:30:36 UTC
It's something I have to balance a lot. tehre's never enough hours in the day alas. Naps at work probably won't work - and broken sleep is often worse than no sleep


teleens_journal September 17 2011, 01:06:40 UTC
FWIW, a 20-minute nap is usually what they recommend as the max amount of time before it starts to be useless. I completely understand though - I've tried napping on the floor of the dressing room and it really doesn't work...


tanarill September 12 2011, 17:03:57 UTC
If you are getting less than eight hours of sleep per 24-hour period, you are getting too little. Go to sleep!

If your happy depends on not talking to the HEFoD, who from your previous posts sound bigoted or at least extremely and belligerently ignorant, then DON'T DO IT. It is for this reason that I don't go spending my time on bits of the internet (that is, most of it) that annoy me. They don't have any right to you time, unless it is in a lawyery capacity and they're paying you, so you acting like this is a true fact is a Good Thing.

Finally, although I slightly hesitate to ask, but please explain to the poor American what a Treacle Duff is? I'm fairly sure we don't use the word pudding in the same way (pudding: sugary stuff of a yogurt-ish consistency that comes in little plastic cups at the food store; may contain tapioca lumps) so I suspect my usage may be wrong. Explain?


sparkindarkness September 13 2011, 12:50:58 UTC
Definitely less than 8 hours. 8 hours is a sleep in ( ... )


aviv_b September 12 2011, 17:04:24 UTC
Ok, I'll bite, what is Treacle Duff?


sparkindarkness September 13 2011, 12:51:46 UTC
aviv_b September 13 2011, 13:13:11 UTC
nom, nom, nom! IDK why but I thought treacle was something like suet - and was picturing some really vile dessert.


sparkindarkness September 13 2011, 13:14:39 UTC
treacle in this case is golden syrup - sweet and lovely


masterde September 12 2011, 23:10:18 UTC
The reason you can't pull all-nighters all the time is because YOU'RE NOT BLOODY 21 YEARS OLD! With age comes the need for regular sleep, consistency, and a good morning BM. Without these, we fall apart. Coffee and "energy" drinks are a stop-gap measure. Nothing beats good old fashioned sleep. No go get real sleep and stop sulking about not being 21 anymore. It's past. Let it die a peaceful death.


sparkindarkness September 13 2011, 12:54:40 UTC
Bah I don't weanna age. I will be immortal and eternally young and sexy and awesome! Yes yes I will!


meganeko_mausuu September 13 2011, 01:38:23 UTC

And I know how you feel about missing time with Beloved. I feel the same way about my SO's. Get in extra snuggles whenever you can, that will help some.


sparkindarkness September 13 2011, 12:55:17 UTC

I will sulk and moan without him


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