Being called "bigots" offends bigots!

Aug 12, 2011 12:23

One of the eternal habits of the homophobes that annoys me is the habit of appropriating the language of oppression. I'm sure we've all seen the various hate groups claiming how oppressed they are and how persecuted they are because they don't get to persecute us. After all, the EHRC bought into the line of the poor oppressed bigots not being able ( Read more... )

gbltq issues, prejudice

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Comments 3

meganeko_mausuu August 12 2011, 13:03:36 UTC
Ooh, are we playing oppression bingo today? How many points do I get if I dig up an asshat who claims to have a friend in the minority they're trying to oppress?

Sorry, in a bit of an odd mood today.

All silliness aside, I've been wanting to ask how you're doing. You obviously didn't get hurt or anything during the riots or else you'd not be posting, or at least would have mentioned it already... but still, are you and Beloved okay?


sparkindarkness August 17 2011, 12:03:37 UTC
Asshats of that variety arer worth a full 30 points! 50 if they actually have the firends they're lying about! (because then they're not just making shit up but they're using their friends and trying to make them accomplices in their own oppression)

Yes, we're fine :) The rioting never really reached our part of the UK except peripherally


meganeko_mausuu August 18 2011, 13:04:23 UTC
Glad to hear you're okay. ^^


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