On diversity and the judiciary

Jul 08, 2011 19:07

I read this article about how grossly unrepresentative the judiciary is and I'm having a think ( Read more... )

gbltq issues, privilege, politics, sexism, thoughts and musings, racism, law, british politics, prejudice

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Comments 2

empty_mirrors July 8 2011, 18:41:54 UTC
I would rather have a less diverse judiciary that enforced good laws, than a diverse one who were the subject of political influence. It seems to me that a good legal mind should largely be able to make up for gaps in understanding and empathy. Of course if we could have the diversity without the political interference, I'd be dancing in the aisles.


sparkindarkness July 10 2011, 12:54:18 UTC
I'd love to have both - but yeah if I had to pick one? I'd rather a judiciary that was dedicated to social justice and makes reasoned decisions, rather than a diverse judiciary that is under the control of a screwed up politicial system


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