BBQ day

Apr 22, 2011 12:58

And there is so much meat in the house it is almost scary..... HMMMMMMMM meat ( Read more... )

food! nommy, beloved, booze, family

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Comments 40

velyrhorde April 22 2011, 12:15:04 UTC
Also, I should probably get dressed

Real men BBQ nekkid! ROFL

Tell your disapproving relatives you have decided to worship [insert name of pagan god here] and that your conversion requires animal sacrifice. Then go in the bathroom, laugh hysterically, and return with a straight *koff koff* face.


sparkindarkness April 25 2011, 15:46:09 UTC
I will watch him BBQ - while nekked!

I do worship pagan gods., And they demand MEAAAAAAAAAAAT


kathminchin April 22 2011, 12:20:00 UTC
I'm pondering getting a BBQ. I suspect mine will be less that £50 though.

Point out to your relatives that the reason it became "traditional" to eat fish on Fridays was because Elizabeth I made it law - and that was because she wanted a lot of sailors so she could stop the Spanish (Catholics) from invasion.

Hardly a religious necessity.

I'm with you though. As a pagan I agree with chickens; lamb and rabbit as being symbolic of the season. Prawns are good as well as is beef on account of being delicious.


sparkindarkness April 25 2011, 15:46:49 UTC
And will it use actual fire?

Hah so many of opur traditions are so very false.

Meta that is tasty beats all


brownkitty April 22 2011, 12:36:49 UTC
Tell them you're worshipping in the grand old tradition of Abel, only since you don't want to put God to the trouble you're setting the fire and consuming the flesh yourself?

And don't BBQ nekkid! You have sensitive dangly bits for which I assume Beloved has nefarious designs in the near future!


sparkindarkness April 25 2011, 15:54:43 UTC
My argument was simple. it went "MEAT GOOOD! NOM NOM!"

Beloved can BBQ, and I can stay nekked


aviv_b April 22 2011, 13:11:07 UTC
Its Passover - eat all the meat you want (Ok except the pork)! Just skip the bread. And wine if fine, (just no grain alcohol). Hey you can even lightly toast the macaroons over the campfire grill.


dungeonwriter April 22 2011, 16:13:56 UTC
Hehe, I like this idea!!!


aviv_b April 22 2011, 16:25:42 UTC
Well gefilte fish and grilling just don't go together all that well.


manawolf April 22 2011, 20:44:30 UTC
Seconded! The zeroa should be roasted too, so there's another use for the grill :D


solid_squid April 22 2011, 13:32:19 UTC
iirc, the fish on good friday is because people aren't supposed to eat meat on that day, but the church decreed that fish wasn't a meat. No, not kidding

Also, on the cooking of BBQ foods, try partially cooking in the oven first then moving to the BBQ. That way it gets cooked through but you still get the BBQ flavour from the charring of the outside :)


aviv_b April 22 2011, 16:24:51 UTC
I wonder if they lifted that from kosher rules. Fish isn't a 'meat' or a 'milk' food either.


solid_squid April 22 2011, 19:42:32 UTC
Quite likely, but I think the justification was it symbolised the apostles who were fisherment or something like that. Only vaguely remember the details (although it did mean for a long time I thought that vegetarians ate fish)


pujaemuss April 22 2011, 23:52:39 UTC
What I find great about that little bit of history is the lengths to which the aristocracy took that bending of the rules and fucked with it. Ducks were classified as fish and therefore a-okay.

What? They went in the water.

Next Friday, we're leading a horse to water and then butchering it as soon as it gets its nose wet. It's damp, therefore it's fish.



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