It's time for my annual Eurovision update

May 25, 2008 03:10

Because I just have to, don't I? Why msut I endure this pain when there are people who may be spared ( Read more... )

oooooh shiny! i'm gonna poke it!, eurovision, music, random silliness

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Comments 17

gnarlycranium May 25 2008, 02:55:09 UTC
DUDE. If there's ANYTHING remotely like Verka Serduchka this time around I am all OVER that shit!


sparkindarkness May 27 2008, 12:12:02 UTC
Sadly no-one came close to matching the crazy on that scale


bladespark May 25 2008, 03:17:24 UTC

You are SO right, Latvia should have won. *dies laughing* That was awesome!


bladespark May 25 2008, 03:20:52 UTC
Also... Norway. WHO wrote those lyrics, a high school poet? Yikes.


bladespark May 25 2008, 03:40:22 UTC
Oh, I found a version of the Spain one that's actually the Eurovision performance. Following the link you have sent me to a music video.


sparkindarkness May 27 2008, 12:15:06 UTC
Argh, exposed to chiki chiki again!

Thankee I shall edit to get the right link


wenhaver May 25 2008, 06:53:26 UTC
Bah, Eurovision. There's no excuse for bumping Doctor Who. No excuse, I tell ya!


sparkindarkness May 27 2008, 12:18:38 UTC
Removing good eye candy for ridiculous is paaaaain.


being_here May 25 2008, 07:19:19 UTC
Good review!

Three things:

This was the year of the little, spangly dress. I think they shared.

Turkey. Hummm. Eyebrows. I would.

France: I liked last year's group. They rocked. I missed them. Also the backing singers had better beards than your man who was singing.


sparkindarkness May 27 2008, 12:20:54 UTC
LOL, it certianly saved money them all wearing the same outfit. I had the mental image of the Ukrainian kicking the Swede's arse behind the scenes "that's MY outfit!"

Me too :) Oh so definitely, yes. But only after I've had my pic of Ukraine's backing dancers


allthepettylies May 25 2008, 18:43:26 UTC
Ugh *headdesk* I hated Germany's entry so much I refused to show this to my dad, I think he would have cried.


I've been attempting to write what I feel should be the sequeel to Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island, and this totally made my day. (I have an unhealthy obsession with pirates, mostly because my great-great-great-great (ad naseum) Grandfather sailed with Calico Jack Rackham(spelling?) at one time, and was hanged for piracy. yay family history no one cares about!)



sparkindarkness May 27 2008, 12:21:45 UTC
How bad was it? Bland and horrible and the blond COULD NOT SING!

Latvia? Should have won. Yes yes yes yes they should. The pirates will eat your soul. You totally have to dress up as a pirate now, you have the right!


allthepettylies May 27 2008, 20:14:53 UTC
I've been wandering around talking like a pirate. I think I'm irritating everyone :D

Yarrrrr matey. Set the sails! Trim the halyard! Step lively, with a will!

.....*ahem* Yeah. <3


sparkindarkness May 29 2008, 23:22:18 UTC


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