Title: Nevermore
Rating: G
Genre: Angst...?
Prompt: 'Because I could not stop for death' by
luxuria_oceanusSummary: And death took all that mattered, except loyalty and devotion... and, perhaps, love.
Long after the last bit of life vanished from Atlantis’ walls, long after the computers ceased to calculate and the lights all dimmed to darkness, one hangs on.
He finds her by chance, wandering through the void of eternity and stopping to gaze upon the empty husk of a city.
“Why do you linger?” He asks, curious. The trailing red dress is as elegant its owner, but the jacket is too big, out of place.
She continues to walk the sea-green floors, sparing him a glance.
“Because I could not stop for death.”
He wonders if her name is ‘Sheppard’.