Title: Lost and Found (written Spring 2004) (
Web version)
Author: Slytherlynx (
Pairing: Sirius/Bellatrix
Rating: R
Length: ~10,300 words
Genre: Drama, humor, coming-of-age
Warnings: Underaged sexual fumblings - not chan unless you consider Judy Blume to be chan as well. NOT A DARK FIC.
Summary: Sirius and Bellatrix, the summer before
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Comments 23
And, as always, I'm so grateful for how your comments always help me to understand my own fic so much more clearly! Makes me miss your own fics all the more ... any plans to write more HP?
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Sirius is indeed the douchiest of douchebags, but damn, I do love him anyway. I have a Sirius/Draco that is sort of in the same universe (albeit ~30 years later), in which he feels infinitely more beaten-down by life. (And deals with it by fucking a teenager ... so, um, yeah. He's a douchebag!)
And OMG, I hope you end up posting your Sirius/Draco fic. The only time I like Sirius is when he's fucking one of the kids. :D :D
Finishing this fic took more out of me than I had anticipated, so I don't think I'll get the Sirius/Draco done before DH. (It's even longer and has less of it drafted than this one had.) Since it's AU anyway, I'm going to wait until after DH.
BUT this means I'm going to work on the Harry/Draco/Remus instead. Which is also much pornier. So we all win, really! :D
p.s. Whatever happened to that yummy, yummy, yummy H/D fic you were writing? I loved that so!
Oh, I'm so happy this works for you! I'm sure you don't remember, but back in the day, you gave me some really helpful feedback on the "Theory and Practice" ficlet, and that gave me the encouragement to write this much longer fic.
Not weird as in twisted--though of course with their upbringing things that are completely bizarre are normal to themI have to admit that I have a huge fetish for stories about kids who grow up in really fucked-up circumstances and have no clue that their perceptions of life are completely off-kilter. :D It's one of the things I love about Draco ( ... )
Am even more intrigued by your YA novel.:-D
it's a fucking good story. for some reason, the angst between sirius and bella makes me want to ship them. should we expect more angsty canoodling between these two in the future?
Oh, thank you so much! ♥ I don't get a lot of feedback for this fic, and so it really means a lot that you commented. I'm so glad you liked it (especially the Frank Longbottom bit >:D ).
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