i <3 u

Nov 02, 2002 09:15

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Comments 105

bougee November 2 2002, 09:52:24 UTC
Whats that stuff?


spankmeraw November 2 2002, 10:03:59 UTC
its odwalla! you probably dont have that where u live but its organic juice and its SO good


Re: bougee November 2 2002, 11:21:39 UTC
Ill order it for my store =]


spankmeraw November 2 2002, 11:37:41 UTC
strawberry banana is the best


tefen November 2 2002, 10:22:05 UTC
I'm oddly tempted to hop on the odwalla bandwagon. I've never had it!


spankmeraw November 2 2002, 10:41:20 UTC
friggen jebus! drink it u fool! hehehhe jk but its sooo good


no tefen January 21 2005, 18:40:48 UTC
only one thing to say about odwalla.....



Re: no tefen January 21 2005, 18:51:36 UTC
Thank you for your timely response, it may have saved me from a horrible death... two years ago.


mexico November 2 2002, 13:32:10 UTC
i have tried it. its "ok" =p


spankmeraw November 2 2002, 13:34:33 UTC
dork its the best stuf


Re: mexico November 2 2002, 13:35:15 UTC
ive had better...


spankmeraw November 2 2002, 14:23:55 UTC
sure weirdo!


sl22 November 2 2002, 14:21:44 UTC
never heard of it but most organic jouice is top notch


spankmeraw November 2 2002, 14:48:16 UTC
its soooo good, if u visit u need to try it


xonedayx November 3 2002, 02:02:05 UTC
The stuff owns, but its too freakin expensive for anyones good. I was lucky enough to have a girlfriend last year who worked at a cafe and I got the hookup quite often. Have you had the green one yet? It looks gross, but it quite sweet actually, just shake it up really good!


spankmeraw November 3 2002, 09:38:15 UTC
well my mom buys me strawberry banana smoothie! no i havnt had the green yet, but ill have to try it wont i


Re: xonedayx November 3 2002, 11:09:33 UTC
you should, I had some other kind the other day and it was nasty, I cant reember now, c monster I think. The green one is called superfood. There is another brand called nekkid, I hear its pretty much the same thing, check it out sometime! I think QFC has it..


spankmeraw November 3 2002, 11:14:34 UTC
yeah ewwwwwwww i dont like c monster at all! yeah qfc has the crazy stuff!


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