Character Relations Meme! (stolen from Rivelata)

Jun 21, 2010 18:50

What is "character relations"?Building CR means that you, along with other muns from your game, build In Character relationships with one another. You post up your information, and others respond with what they can help you with, or cater to the needs your character needs or wants! This is a great way to meet and play with people outside of ( Read more... )

stupei needs a life, memes! everywhere!

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Comments 222

show_my_cannons June 22 2010, 05:46:36 UTC
name → Red
lj → redfirelight
peak rping hours → After 5PM PST
best way of contact → aim • thisismyomnitool
preferred method of rping → Threads, logs, AIMlogs, whichever! I like it all.
currently active characters →
Ironhide • show_my_cannons ; Transformers (Movieverse)
Soundwave • inursatellites ; Transformers (Movieverse)
Seymour Simmons • onemanaloooone ; Transformers (Movieverse)

do want →
Ironhide • show_my_cannons ;Cranky Old Weapons Master ( ... )


show_my_cannons June 22 2010, 21:49:30 UTC
do NOT want → Ironhide • show_my_cannons ;
Killing. I'm fine with discussing it first, since Ironhide's so prone to stomping his way into a fight.

Soundwave • inursatellites ;
Death. Discussion first. Also, Soundwave would prefer to keep his "cables" on the sly, so that not many outside of his own Decepticon faction are aware of them. They're a tool, to him, not... well. Tentacles. That's just ICly, of course. OCCly, they're totally tentacles, and we all know it. And please don't destroy Rumble. He's just an innocent rhino.

Simmons • onemanaloooone ;
Death especially. Since Simmons is a denizen, he won't get brought back. So please. Don't kill him. Or blow up his meat store. C'mon, it's all the man has.

characters you are considering picking up? → Jetfire ; RoTF
Legion ; Mass Effect
Garrus Vakarian ; Mass Effect

Basically, I love plot. If there's something you want to do with my boys, just ping me. Really. There's probably stuff I haven't thought of on here, so ping away!


shinysupergirl June 23 2010, 03:30:54 UTC
Sari loves bumping heads with Ironhide- defiantly need to find more of a reason to do so sometime, if your interested.

And I'm feeling a bit bad for Simmons-- with how he acts, Caboose is probably going to 'hang around/poke' him quite a bit. Reminds him of home, you understand. x3


cmdrstarscream June 24 2010, 10:08:20 UTC
I really liked the banter Ironhide and Sentinel had, and (even though Ironhide is hardly fond of Sentinel) I'd really like them to have more of that. I'm totally fine with Sentinel having some sense knocked into him via Ironhide, and I really love Ironhide's frustration with the Jetlets and Optimus with their inability to see or admit Sentinel's complete and utter incompetence, and I'd love to have more of that as well.

I love Simmons, and he and Sentinel I think could have some great banter, though I'm honestly not sure where to go with that. Starscream would probably just make more gay jokes ; )

And Jetfire. Jetfire. YOU MUST.


not_your_gun June 22 2010, 09:31:41 UTC
name → Saeru
lj → Saeru (there is nothing here, really)
peak rping hours → 3pm-3am central
best way of contact → aim • notyourgun
preferred method of rping → ALL -- Bring it.
currently active characters → Megatron• not_your_gun ; IDW: Megatron!Origin
Jetstorm • iplaywinner ; Transformers!Animated
Jetfire • bymycalculation ; Dreamwave comics
Namine• art_and_sou1 ; Kingdom Hearts 2

do want →
Megatron• not_your_gun ; My main, overarching goal for Megatron is to become an amazing leader. What KIND of a leader he becomes is, and always has been, completely determined by the actions of his followers, his allies, his enemies, and the transtechs. Everyone he interacts with makes an impact on him, and I love seeing where he goes ( ... )


iplaywinner June 22 2010, 09:34:03 UTC
Jetstorm• iplaywinner ; My main goal in playing Jetstorm is to mess with the dualities of Autobot and Decepticon within him. He's extremly young by Cybertronian standards--having only been activated about a stellar cycle ago with his brother in their new jet forms--but he's been around for a lot longer than that working at an energon refinery, so he's a good mix of capable and gullible that I really love seeing taken advantage of. Getting him out of the comfort zone of his brother and really making him see that not all Decepticons are mean and not all Autobots are nice makes me particularly happy, though I do not have any preference at this time as to where he goes. I suspect he'll always be an Autobot at Spark, and that he'll never leave his brother for long, but I'd like his trails to develop him into his own, special little mech ( ... )


art_and_sou1 June 22 2010, 09:36:39 UTC
→ (romance related) If there's anything Jetfire doesn't think he'll get, its romance. Hell, just getting a friend is gonna bowl his strike, so he can't really even believe anyone would trust him enough/not fear being squished enough to get close to him. This has led to a few good millennia of suppressed jet pent-upped-ness......but, then again, he's a scientist. Logic dictates that one doesn't need company in order to progress (even if he also knows logic is very, very wrong.) If someone can get him out of his shell....
I don't even know what would happen. It would take a lot of work.

Namine• art_and_sou1 ; Namine has lived a very, very secluded life. She spent several months trapped in a castle, then a year trapped in a mansion trying to repair Sora's memories, and...there's a few months missing somewhere, but it was probably spent indoors and very likely because someone wouldn't let her out. She just started to have some freedoms prior to arriving in the Nexus, and has developed a bit of backbone on her own through in-game ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

caelumtorqueo June 22 2010, 13:31:57 UTC
name → HK/AP/AJ/ whatever.
lj → antepathy Yeah don’t go here.
peak rping hours → evenings, until about 1 am EST.
best way of contact → AIM hellkittyclaws-I ‘lurk’ a lot. Poke, and I’m probably there.
preferred method of rping → no real pref
currently active characters → Skywarp • caelumtorqueo ; Transformers, Bayverse
Blackout • the_koptur ; Transformers, TFA

do want →
Skywarp • caelumtorqueo ; Goals? He’s the only BV character here who can warp. He’s still working on perfecting that, but I imagine it might be useful to someone somewhere ( ... )


Part le deuxieme try two (typo fixed) caelumtorqueo June 22 2010, 13:40:19 UTC

He DESPERATELY wants a symbiont (or as he’s decided to call it, a symbuddy) so any help/amusement pointing him in that direction might be fun.

He also hates it when people fight, so…he’ll intercede to try to make peace if he’s on the comm line.

If he thinks he can be helpful, he will volunteer. He can be talked into doing just about anything as long as he’s convinced it’s for the right reasons. So…gullible….

He defeated multiple Omega Sentinels in his ‘verse. So the likelihood of a one-on-one assault from anyone here working is highly unlikely. Plus, copter hates fighting unless it’s in battle. Thankfully he’s not a braggart or a jerk about this, so, feel free to find out the hard way.

→ (romance related) yeah I just don’t see that happening.

do NOT want → Skywarp• caelumtorqueo ;Okay, the Do Not Wants are kind of the same for both: do not kill them, please? Beating is okay, but no wing damage or rotor damage-guro is a serious squick for me. Violence: fine; dismemberment: not so fine ( ... )


debt_to_pay June 22 2010, 21:56:00 UTC
Verity. &hearts


knightslegacy June 23 2010, 04:49:33 UTC
After Kitt gains his Cybertronian body, there'll probably be more opportunities for he and Skywarp to interact. Right now, he tends to keep his head down more often than not. He's a little cheesed off at Tyran Decepticons.


calledthemedic June 22 2010, 17:49:50 UTC
name → Elem
peak rping hours → this really isn't applicable - I'm home most days, but my arms limit how much i can do in a sitting. Not really avail on weekends?
best way of contact → aim • razorgirlmolly
preferred method of rping → I'm game for anything! Bring it on!
currently active characters → Ratchet • calledthemedic ; idw | Transformers

do want →
This Ratchet is really... going to love the Nexus, simply because it's the lesser of two evils. Also, because of how he feels the universe operates, he hasn't abandoned anyone in a way that can be fixed - there is already a split in realities that says one, he left, and another, he stayed. There's nothing he can do here to affect that, so he's going to take advantage of the peace and supplies and learning while he can. It'd be great for him to butt heads over this - because he is NOT IMPRESSED by those who want to continue the war here. Ratchet is also... almost entirely capable of allowing that faction should not matter here, especially in regards to medicine. This will be harder for some ( ... )


calledthemedic June 22 2010, 17:50:10 UTC

→ (romance related)
See above, and multiply by twenty. You'd have to work hard to get romance out of him. That doesn't mean he can't be intimate if he thinks he's looking after you in a medical degree... he just can't think of someone wanting him for himself.

do NOT want →
No death. No permanent programming changes. Um... can't think of anything else - I'm a plot person, so if you want to do something and talk to me about it, I'm usually going to be cool with anything.

characters you are considering picking up? →
River Tam ; Firefly
Mogget ; Abhorsen
Marah ; Power Rangers Ninja Storm


airspacecommand June 23 2010, 05:27:17 UTC
Screamer and Ratchet need to interact more. Just for the lulz.

They can't stand each other. It's great.


cmdrstarscream June 24 2010, 10:16:34 UTC
Hmm, Starscream's pretty bent on continuing the war for Megatron here, and he might be fun to play against Ratchet. Maybe there's something Ratchet can do to hinder him? Pretty vague thought right now, but it sounds like it could be fun.


shinysupergirl June 22 2010, 20:41:44 UTC
name → Lucky
lj → username I really ought to make one, shouldn't I? .-.
peak rping hours → 6pm-1am ECT
best way of contact → aim: LuckyIKoi
preferred method of rping → Pretty much any.
currently active characters → Sari Sumdac • shinysupergirl ; Transformers: Animated
Pvt. Michael J. Caboose • l_want_a_pony ; Halo: RvB
Laserbeak • tinfoil_turkey ; Transformers: IDW G1

do want → Sari Sumdac • shinysupergirl ; The main purpose bringing her here(besides the obvious), is for her is to grow and find out exactly who she is. She knows she is her father’s daughter, and that she’s Techno-Organic; but not where her protoform came from, or why the Allspark choose her to guard some of its powers. She’d like to think that it was one of the protoforms that were stolen and were on the Nemesis, but seeing as it wasn’t until after the Autobot’s came out of stasis that it crashed on the moon, that isn’t all that likely. So she’s going to be spending some time at the Library to see what she can find, and, as it is never revealed inshow or in interviews, she’ll only hit road-block after roadblock on the ( ... )


shinysupergirl June 22 2010, 20:43:05 UTC
Caboose • l_want_a_pony ; He’s here for the lulz atm.

→ (friendship related) Caboose would LOVE to be friends with anyone and everyone. If you’re up to putting up with his stupidity(and even if you’re not), any interaction with him may end up with a new friend/pest/terror.

→ (romance related) …As far as Caboose is concerned, he’s ‘romantically involved’ with the Female AI that resides in the Tank back in his universe. Though, if you really want to… >3>;

Laserbeak • tinfoil_turkey ; ...He hasn’t even ‘arrived’ yet ( ... )


teh_koptur June 22 2010, 20:51:22 UTC
General Strika, ma'am? *big pleady eyes*


war_matriarch June 23 2010, 00:43:30 UTC
Vill this do?


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