Rules of the meme:
1. Anonymously(or not, because we seem to have stopped following this rule) post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.
2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such
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'Scuse me.Bramble jerked out of his slumber and damn near off of his branch. He swore vibrantly enough to make a Tinker blush as he righted himself, and the unfortunate recipient of this vitriol-- a willowy girl his bogberry-soaked mind eventually placed as Persimmon-- retreated well away from his glare ( ... )
Bramble = Eddie
Fiddle = Dan
Oster = Manhattan
Allium = Nelson
Auren = Adrian
Nore = Rolf
Copper = Walter
Also, reading through it again myself, I realized that I accidentally an entire paragraph at the beginning of part 3:
"The burr shuddered once, twice, then cracked down the middle and shattered. The light that emerged from the ruined shell writhed in the air like a tortured thing, and the atmosphere of the amphitheatre prickled like the sky before a lightning storm. The fairies gasped; some covered their faces and turned away from the light. Others still looked ready to fly, but before anyone could do anything drastic there was a loud pop and the light vanished, as did the remnants of the burr. Where both had been now crouched a pale, freckled figure with a shock of red hair."
Which makes the transition from the sentence before it to the one after it seem a little less random, I hope.
So, I'm already toying with doing a Copper Discovers his Talent bit, despite never having watched or read any Disney Fairies, and I was wondering what you figured him for.
I had some notion that he was going to end up training either beside or under Persimmon, who is also a guard-talent fairy. From what little we see of them in the movie, guard-talent fairies exist more to keep things out of the Hollow than to actually police its citizens (that task falls to the Ministers of the Seasons), but you can structure it however you like.
I could totally see Copper deciding the guard-talent system needs a complete overhaul that ends with the fairies having a small military complete with spies, SWAT, an air-force and, thanks to Dan's obsession with water-proofing fairies, a navy. An adorable fairy Navy in wee little submarines.
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