Watchmen (Super Sentai) Five Kink Meme

May 31, 2010 16:17

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously(or not, because we seem to have stopped following this rule) post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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Happy Endings FTW anonymous August 12 2011, 00:00:50 UTC
I've just read this fic ( and now I'm depressed as hell. Can someone write a happy ending for this? I don't care if Dan jumps in at the last second or Blaire gets help, I just want a happy ending.


Into the Woods and out of the Woods and Home Before Dark 1/3 anonymous August 14 2011, 09:33:10 UTC
Dan really shouldn't be here. Not right now, not like this, but he's never been so scared for his partner in his life. It seems dumb to worry about Rorschach, but no matter how hard the man tries to be the mask, he's not sleeping, and this Roche thing is eating him up inside. Eating Dan up too, and so he's prowling around down here by day without the protection of Nite Owl, on something between a hunch and pure mystical bullshit. There's something bad about this place, and a thousand thousand fragments too small to even dream of being leads have drained into that badness, left him here on the sidewalk about to turn back and walk to some place a cab will stop, feeling like a fool.

And then there she is. Little Blair Roche. Little missing-presumed-dead-by-everyone-but-Rorschach Blair Roche. The kid's a mess, covered in tears and snot and dirt, but she's fucking beautiful, running down the sidewalk to him on tiny bare feet, lank hair flying. She actually runs into him before she can stop, and screams when he automatically puts ( ... )


Into the Woods and out of the Woods and Home Before Dark 2/3 anonymous August 14 2011, 09:36:47 UTC
"Get her home," he says, and is out and down again in a second, hoping Blair won't get hysterical with another strange man, but confident that Hollis can handle it. For himself, he can only hope he's in time to save the savior.

He wakes to a world still grey and shifting, the only certainty the hard press of naked floorboards against his back. Tries to rub at his eyes, clear his vision, but can’t find his hands. Should be attached to his arms, but even those feel distant, as disconnected from reality as the stars ( ... )


Into the Woods and out of the Woods and Home Before Dark 3a/3 anonymous August 14 2011, 09:37:49 UTC
"YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH!" Nite Owl generally does not swear aloud, but Daniel Dreiberg has seen the knives. The chopping block, the half-erection at having something small and helpless again even if it's not exactly what he wants, and he is not Nite Owl. Not now. Maybe not ever again, but he can't think. Doesn't want to think.

Walter doesn't know if it's a dog or Grice or her, but there's nothing he can do about it. He can only hear the sound, deep, dark, and full of rage, and then there's some kind of tumult above him. Something about falling bodies and thudding that might be impacts on the floor or just in his head, and more roaring. The dogs are barking outside, and everything goes dark again ( ... )


Into the Woods and out of the Woods and Home Before Dark 3b/3 anonymous August 14 2011, 09:38:24 UTC
"'Nk you," says a voice that's just as tiny, and he cracks his eyes open to see her, all clean and brushed like she should be. Her dress is blue, and has a white rabbit on it. Her mother looks just like her, and it's Rorschach who promised to bring her child home, so he can't even look at her, but then there's a rain of tears on his face and the haze of her scent so close. She actually kisses his forehead, and thanks him until her voice gives out and his head is spinning. The nurse comes in and ushers them out, and it's quiet. There's less pain now, and Daniel is still there. Walter swallows around the lump in his throat, croaks ( ... )


OP here anonymous August 14 2011, 20:36:20 UTC
FFFFFF This is PERFECT. I'm grinning like a maniac right now anon you are awesome

I d'awwed at the end


authoranon anonymous August 14 2011, 23:16:12 UTC
I hadn't even read "What Cats Know" because it does what it says on the tin, y'know? Of course, I had to read it this time because it was too (brilliantly) non-linear to skim, but it didn't get me like it would've because I was in the midst of fixing it. I'm glad you like the result and feel better, anon. I do too. <3

My god, how many times have I saved Blaire? This might be number six or so. XD


op again anonymous August 15 2011, 02:44:14 UTC
Yeah, when I started reading "What Cats Know" I didn't really know what the prompt was for, so I was hoping for a happier ending. By the time it got obvious, I was too mesmerized by how awesome that fic was. Your fill made me feel much better now <3

There's something sorta nagging at me; how did Dan know about Walter and Rorschach? Did I miss something or did he just figure it out on his own after Rorschach didn't show up after Blaire was found? I'm going to read this again and squee


Re: op again lawnnun August 15 2011, 20:33:15 UTC
The logic train goes something like this:

1 - Man with ludicrous personal courage (hereinafter MWLPC) fights a guy who outweighs him by sixty pounds of muscle to save little girl.
2 - MWLPC seems very heavy for his size, like he's all muscle. There's not an ounce wasted.
3 - MWLPC has some of Rorschach's scars, revealed by the hospital gown. Holy shit.


forgot to mention that i'm authoranon lawnnun August 15 2011, 20:36:16 UTC
So that is Word of God on how Dan worked it out. I was thinking a bit of "Tiny Grains of Earth", where it's the scars that tell.


Re: forgot to mention that i'm authoranon anonymous August 16 2011, 03:15:59 UTC
no one fixits like you fixit, bb.

dang, got something in my eye...


"What Cats Know" author APPROVES slipstreamborne August 17 2011, 00:37:05 UTC

God I love how you took bits and asides and structural elements of the original fic and reframed them into this fantastic fixit. Like the mirroring of Walter's rescue of Blair and Dan's rescue of Walter: Walter kicking in the front door, Dan kicking in the back. And the fuckery with time as Dan's adrenaline surges. Pain vs. numbness. Sleeping and waking.

Also this:

Walter blinks blood-tacky lashes, not really here or there but just barely hearing a voice that isn't Grice's. It's familiar, so familiar, and it's saying...


Made me cheer like I have not cheered since Molly Weasley took down Bellatrix Lestrange.


authoranon anonymous August 17 2011, 00:43:12 UTC

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I was kind of afraid of fucking up "What Cats Know" instead of making a good fixit, so I'm thrilled you like it. I wanted to keep the recursion going, so you use canon lines in your fic, and then I use yours in mine like some kind of fiction conga line.

I actually had an idea for a sequel to WCK, but it would depend on Walter not bleeding out, which I have to assume he did, what with no tourniquets.


Re: authoranon anonymous January 7 2015, 11:21:50 UTC
You should write it anyway!
Please? Pretty please?


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