Watchmen Kink Meme 4: The Fab, Fantastic Four

Jan 08, 2010 10:56

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such is also acceptable/awesome. Multiple people may respond to ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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In the interests of diversity: Ozycom =D anonymous March 14 2010, 11:42:21 UTC
I get two fucking stars, I wrote 'Eggses', too. XD

"You're telling me you're fucking pregnant?"

"The technical term is 'gravid', but yes."

"...That doesn't make any sense." Eddie is pacing now, gesticulating with his cigar. "I mean, even if you're some kind of fishman, that's fishman"Global populations have dropped below acceptable levels. And put that out." Adrian snaps, hugging himself protectively ( ... )


Re: In the interests of diversity: Ozycom =D anonymous March 14 2010, 12:16:44 UTC
...dear god this shouldn't be this cute. Why is it so cute?


Re: In the interests of diversity: Ozycom =D robbie_rabbit March 14 2010, 13:47:46 UTC
:D I cracked up by Eddie nonchalant "Cool". And i love it x3 Love it... to death. *hug of death*


OP anonymous March 14 2010, 15:41:14 UTC
I can't even believe it. I didn't think I'd get even one fill for this, or if I did it would be cracked out to the max, but then I wake up to find that I've gotten three? This meme is so amazing I can't even describe it.

And you, anon, are amazing for providing two fills. Daaaaaaw at Rorschach coming back because he wants to be a good father. And double daaaaw at all the interactions between Adrian/Eddie, half because they're my OTP of the moment, and half because I've always liked the idea of Eddie getting a second chance to be a father.

Thanks so much anon! You've absolutely made my day. And here's your reward, as promised:

Er. Download it twice for two? XD


Re: OP anonymous March 14 2010, 20:26:18 UTC
OP again-- also, I think that owl!babies and fish!babies need to grow up and form some kind of half human/half manimal support group. Or at the very least, they should all go on play dates together. I can't imagine what their conversations would be like, though.


author anonymous March 14 2010, 23:17:49 UTC

Really, I think Dan's babies grow up to be freaky were-owls, just like him, possibly more stable because they're half-human. I can see them with ineradicable eartufts that they have to wear hats over or something. ...Christ, fedoras, Just Like Daddy. XD

Adrian's horrible, horrible fishbabies grow up as normal horrible fishmen, just like Adrian, because his kind has been breeding with humans as a regular thing throughout their history. I'm thinking Adrian might have secret fishman powers that account for his awesome. Like electroreception or whatever you call that shit where aquatic mammals track their prey by the electricity generated by muscle contractions. So a person could do it would be impossible to sneak up on, along with other bonuses, such as fighting just fine in pitch blackness.


Re: author flyingrat42 March 15 2010, 01:31:13 UTC
So Adrian is Aquaman, only not lame.



Re: author spam_monster March 15 2010, 02:24:43 UTC
You have obviously not seen him on Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Go watch it. Seriously.


Re: author flyingrat42 March 15 2010, 02:45:18 UTC
Ooh, you are right, I have not, and I should. (I'm used to old-school, and not much of that, which makes *me* lame, I'm fully aware.) Thanks!


Re: author anonymous March 15 2010, 02:49:00 UTC
The only episodes of that I've seen with Aquaman in it are the ones where he spends the first the first half being emo, and the other one where his brother is blatantly trying to overthrow the empire and Aquaman's just like LOL, YOU'RE CRAZY BATMAN.

I'm assuming he was in others where he sucked less?


Yo dawg, I heard you like AUs so I put an AU in your AU so you can AU while you AU (IDK wat) flyingrat42 March 15 2010, 06:52:41 UTC
You know, part of me wants to see this in the context of Ghost Rat (or a spinoff), because it would seem plausible in that world that people might have *ahem* unusual ancestries, especially members of ruling dynasties. Like Adrian is secretly half-naga or something (in the sense of the Southeast Asian water serpents) and that's why his family can make the desert livable. (I also can't help but think of this Khmer legend in which the king of Angkor had to go every night to the Phimeanakas, one of the temples, to get it on with a naga-woman, or the empire would fall. Hmm.)

(The horrible fishbabies are actually not nearly so horrible as expected. They sound kind of pretty, because I don't think there is a situation where Adrian is not hot, whatever species/gender configuration he happens to be. Hmm, there's another prompt idea.)


Re: author meganphntmgrl March 15 2010, 07:42:39 UTC
I can't picture Adrian's fishbabies not looking like this, sorry:

... )


author (Ghost Rat anon, actually) anonymous March 15 2010, 09:32:22 UTC
That is an adorable merbaby. And honestly, if Ghost Rat Adrian was gonna lay eggs, they would probably be lizard eggs, but still...

As to the horrible fishbabies, they are not so horrible. They look kinda like Abe Sapien, from Hellboy. As does Adrian, only these guys can change color, and I think their faces are marginally more human.


HAM! flyingrat42 March 15 2010, 12:03:42 UTC
I was wondering if you had Abe Sapien in mind. Although, when it comes down to it, this goes right along with the Ponyo crossover that's been kicked around, because Adrian is Fujimoto.

... )


Re: HAM! anonymous March 15 2010, 12:16:10 UTC
Adrian as Fujimoto totally works for me XD


Re: author (Ghost Rat anon, actually) meganphntmgrl March 15 2010, 18:39:17 UTC
...oh my gosh. ABELETS.


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