Rules of the meme:
1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.
2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such is also acceptable/awesome. Multiple people may respond to
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oriinal prompt here:
Second fill for Franken!schach, different anon.
Analysis of subject’s speech patterns appears consistent with written material recovered from the offices of [THE NEW FRONTIERSMEN] on [NOV 3 1985]. Possible connection between subject and [DANIEL DREIBERG], also known as [NITE OWL II], and [LAUREL JANE JUSPECZYK], also known as [SILK SPECTRE II], warrants further investigation.
How's that? Did I win?
In all seriousness, this is a gripping and brilliant opening to a story, and I can't WAIT for more!!
oOOOOOoooo I really really like this start!
Gold light red light red dark blackness sparking blue purple green gold edges and this is blinking, he remembers and opens his eyes.
She’s still screaming, louder and surer of her fear. Caught briefly by the traitorous, flickering light of the lamppost he’s no longer just an ominous, shifting shadow in her peripheral vision but one of the real, flesh-and-blood monsters of Central Park.
The woman looks just as monstrous to him, eyes wide and painted mouth twisted into something ugly, something gorgon that turns his bones to stone.
He could kill her, he probably should (take her coat her hat her gloves quiet her screaming stop her talking later to the blandly smiling deadly faces surely following) but he’s tired, so tired, and under her immediate terror he senses something greater, a tentacled giant from nightmare howling dying swallowing everything everyone good and bad and loved and hated and it is not him that she’s afraid ofLong after he’s forced ( ... )
His dreams are white white blue cold screaming long blank nothingness tearing apart and smashing unwanted together again, bent heads burning fluorescent lights disinfectant flashing knifepoints cutting cutting snapping-
He always awakens with a start, half-expecting the icy sting of stainless steel beneath him, but since that first waking it’s been only blood-slick tile, mud, and concrete, in that order.
This time is not much different. Jerk and panic until the rough, curving drag of the culvert pipe against his back snaps him back into the present. So relieved to be here and not there (eyes everywhere dissecting ) that he doesn’t immediately register the rush of water against his calves, the damp creeping up the cloth of his pants to pool between his legs.
Bemused, he presses his hand into the steadily-rising stream, watching eddies swirl and collect between his spread fingers. Cold, he thinks, the sensation muted by miles of unfamiliar nerve endings and warm compared to the too-fresh memory of his thoughts pressed ( ... )
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