TIME FOR A CHALLENGE CONTEST! Since's it's already 2007 and what more, with all the Euro Qualifiers matches that will be held soon, we are in need of new promo banners!
For this challenge contest, you will have to do 5 spanish team banners that features, of course, the spaniards. Create each of them to your best and post them and at the end, we'll vote a winner for each picture banner. If there's many who are participating, we'll have 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. How about that?
1. 5 photos will be provided for you to work on. They will be in HQs. You can only work on them. Nothing else. I will be using photos from the World Cup 2006 because I couldn't find anything nice from the Euro Qualifiers matches we had after the World Cup. All I could find was individual shots and mostly, the shot will include a player from the opposition.
2. The banners can be of any size but make sure it's not too big since we will be using it to promote the community in the user-infos. The banners must have the word 'spain_de_futbol'. It can be, any sentence, any catchy phrases with the community name in it (e.g. Come join spain_de_futbol!) or just 'spain_de_futbol'.
3. Everyone participating must make 5 banners. Anything less than 5 will not be accepted.
4. You cannot cross-post anywhere else until after the contest is over.
5. The deadline will be on 22 January 2007, 8 days from now. Enough time?
6. You can post only on the day of the deadline and the last post must be sent in by the 22th, 00:00, YOUR TIME. I will understand the time differences. And if this makes it any easier to understand, you can post your entries so long as you don't see any entry containing the voting poll.
7. Title your entry CHALLENGE CONTEST #1: 5 Banners (spain_de_futbol) and add tags as challenge contest 1, 5 2007 promo-banners. If you want to be credited for your banners, do add them. Afterall, all members will be allowed to use these banners under their use-info!
8. Votings will begin on 23 January 2007. Each person will be able to vote once only per set.
9. Votings will end on the 27 January 2007.
10. Comment if participating!
If you use my HQs anywhere else, credit
nurl! & if you take my HQs and is not participating, comment here for taking and credit me when used.