
Apr 02, 2010 15:31

So last night I wrote a bunch of random Sam POV angst that takes place after last night's episode. And for some reason I posted it. So, spoilers! But read if you'd like.

Now I need to eat lunch. Or breakfast. Or whatever the heck meal one calls tuna at 3:30pm, I don't know.

fic, saaaaaam!, sometimes i actually write stuff, sam winchester needs a hug

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Comments 3

caitlin is too lazy to log in anonymous April 3 2010, 09:37:09 UTC
I totally watched SPN in Paris because I couldn't sleep one night and it was pouring rain. I am in full on family_business mode when I get home on the 11th. You have no idea. haha


Re: caitlin is too lazy to log in spades_fire April 4 2010, 18:52:35 UTC
I approve very much of this!


Re: caitlin is too lazy to log in spades_fire April 4 2010, 18:53:16 UTC
Also, I hope you are having fun in these various places you're visiting! And being safe! <3


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