
Dec 03, 2009 17:13

  • I still love Thursdays, even when they're looooooooong.
  • I am compelled to decorate for Christmas EVERYWHERE I GO. \o/
  • Sammuse is a pain in the ass and likes ranch dressing way too much.
    • Although I love ranch, too, it's just excessive. I didn't need to eat it with my fries as well as with my pretzels. Come on now. Unhealthy! My skin can't handle the ( Read more... )

my sam!muse is oddly bitchy, my life is weird sometimes, christmas, humanity

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Comments 1

joyfulfeather December 3 2009, 22:18:36 UTC
I love ranch! I love ranch and french fries! <3 Now I might have to have that for dinner. (Except wait, I need meat. Hm.)

I think platonically smitten makes sense!


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