
Apr 14, 2009 08:58

It's always fun to wake up to someone half-frantically telling you to wake up because we're evacuating a freaking storm. And when I say fun I say it with complete freakin' sarcasm.

So, yay, panicflailomgtime, how I've missed you. And no packing is being done, just leaving for the day. Uh. Which doesn't help the not-panicking because I have an ( Read more... )

sometimes i worry a lot, what the hell florida?, apparently i have anxiety issues, aaahhh!, unamused erin is unamused

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Comments 2

joyfulfeather April 14 2009, 14:07:02 UTC
Ack! :( Good luck! Why exactly is there evacuating going on? Possible flooding, or tornados, or...? Kitties are survivors; they'll probably be just fine no matter what happens! But I'd hate leaving them, too. :( *hugs*


spades_fire April 14 2009, 16:56:38 UTC
Thanks! :)

I think tornado warning/watch was the official ruling... although in our place, even a bit of wind or lightning is terrifying, so. Heh.

But, yeah, it's all calm now, and I'm sure the cats are okay (nothing probably happened anyway, it was calming down as we were leaving, even), but, yeah, I hate the mere idea of anything happening.


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