
Feb 05, 2009 14:10

I love when my shows simultaneously break my heart, and make me giddy at the same time.

supernatural, lessthanthree, tv

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Comments 2

joyfulfeather February 5 2009, 19:28:17 UTC
YES. I agree. It's funny how much they can hurt us and we just love it. Especially when it gives us more angst and pain and redemption and maybe even joy to look forward to down the road. <3

(I have no idea if this post is in relation to a specific episode or spoiler or if it's just in general, but I just generally agree on principle.)


spades_fire February 5 2009, 20:14:02 UTC
Yeah, totally. Even when I know full well that watching it is likely to make me cry, I still don't mind, and I love it, and I look forward to it almost. Because if it can make me cry, it's GOOD. And the parts that aren't heartbreaking are just plain awesome, and that alone is enough to keep going. :)

Mostly this is in relation to seasons 1 and 2 of Supernatural - I hadn't seen almost any of season one, and there were episodes I missed in season two (like, uh, the finale, specifically, which was SOUL CRUSHING), so I took this week to catch up on it online. AMAZING.

I wish I'd caught it when it first started, instead of jumping in during the third season like I did... better late than never, though. :)


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