I've decided that this is where I will give voice to the topics that are inappropriate for the Luskwood platform. So, if you're uninterested in politics or financial fortune-telling, you probably shouldn't click the cut.
It's an incredibly ineffective way to expend large amounts of money. Buying financial institution stock isn't having any immediate effect on the market value of homes, which are tied to all these financial instruments.... the dust must still settle, I guess.
I say that the Detroit automakers should be on their own. Let the markets dictate which manufacturers deserve to survive. But I do feel bad that the other shoe must drop so suddenly...
It seems that congress approved $14.3 billion in loans to GM and Crysler (with an additional $4billion later). If americans aren't willing to support the business through sales, why should they be forced to support the business through taxes?
Isn't government ownership (nationalization) of the banks one of the primary causes of Peru's total economic collapse back in the 80s?
Comments 4
Was it a lie that not buying the "troubled assets" would be our national downfall?
Is the Fed's failure to buy them the reason why 1/20 of the world's GDP hasn't made a ripple in the economy?
How much more in taxes are you willing to pay in an attempt to fill this bottomless pit of bank hand-outs?
I say that the Detroit automakers should be on their own. Let the markets dictate which manufacturers deserve to survive. But I do feel bad that the other shoe must drop so suddenly...
Isn't government ownership (nationalization) of the banks one of the primary causes of Peru's total economic collapse back in the 80s?
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