Avast heaving!!!

Dec 31, 2006 20:02

I've blathered on about it forever and ever, but it is finally here: The Space Pirates Fic Challenge.  This is a one time, challenge based ficathon in which writers will produce a pirate themed fic.

Parameters: Because the theme of 'pirates' is specific enough, this ficathon will not include the traditional exchange of prompts.  Instead, participants will lay claim to a specific fandom(s) and a subcategory (pairing, character, team, etc) to focus their work on.  In addition to this, prompts from any party will be accepted and any writer will have the option to lay claim to them.  Any remaining prompts are fair game and may be completed at any time after the closing of this ficathon.

Rules: Almost anything and everything goes in this ficathon.  All fandoms, pairings (het, slash, multiples, etc), ratings, genres, crossovers, etc are fine.  Clear warnings on the final product are always appreciated.  The only limit is that your fic be at least 1000 words long.  Please do not post your pirate fic anywhere else before the due date.

January 1st: Challenge announced.
January 1-14th: Prompts submitted by one and all.  They may be done anonymously or not as you like.
January 15th: Prompts unveiled.  Participating authors my choose a prompt (on a first come, first serve basis), or lay claim to a particular fandom and character/pairing/team.  Once you have been given the green light from me, start writing!!
March 7th: All fics are due.

Due Date: I have set the due date for this challenge as March 7th because it is my birthday and I couldn't think of anything better than getting pirate fic for presents.  :)

Penalties for lateness/not completing your claim: If you cannot complete your assignment by the due date, you will not delay the unveiling of other stories, nor be made to walk the plank.  But, on the other hand, if you do complete your fic, you will receive a personalized, official banner of completion to fly on your profile page and will earn the right to be addressed as Captain at all times.  So why wouldn't you finish it?

Talking like a pirate: Talking like a pirate is encouraged at all times, but in no way required.

What counts as 'pirate' themed?
Though this comm is called spacepirate_fic, this challenge is open to wide interpretation.  You may place your characters in an apocalyptic future universe of space piracy or time travel them to the past and make them sail on the Bounty.  You may make them all characters in any sort of AU pirate setting or write a comedy about a late night trip to Long John Silvers where they meet a guy with a pirate on his shoulder.  Any and all interpretations are accepted as long as I can see something pirate if I squint long enough.  Whatever you think best, though any situation that requires leather and space pistols is always a bonus in my eyes.

Why are you collecting prompts AND claims?
Primarily because I think some people might appreciate more direction/inspiration, but also because I think that devoted readers rarely get to participate in ficathons.  I thought this might give readers a chance to participate if they are so inclined.  My aim was to create a challenge that would provide just as much flexibility or direction as the writer may desire.  I hope I have achieved that and not just confused people.

Any other questions, please leave them in a comment.  Thanks!

Oh...and please spread the word!!!


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